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No Admins around = WTF


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i just can tell that one of the TK guys killed me on purpose (mezzo)...
I just was frustrated, cause there was no admins around for a couple of hours, and within this period the gameplay on the server was like BF3, just SHIT...
I?m sorry if thoose kind of posts are not welcome, like i said, i just was frustrated, cause there was nothin i could do about the screwing around on the server.

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These posts are very welcome! Thank you for your report. It will happen, from time to time, that the server breaks down into chaos, and it can be hard to get it to recover without an admin present.

We all have different time zones, and what is 8 am for me is afternoon for UK. But, aside from in-game admins, there may be a PR admin not in game, but online in the VG Teamspeak somewhere, and you will never know unless you try that route as well. Pop into Teamspeak, look for someone with =VG= tags, and kindly ask if they are able to do anything to help, or if they know someone that can be contacted to help.

If no one is available, it is helpful as you did to take pictures and get some evidence so that in the aftermath, =VG= Admins can assess what happened and address specific players and violators of the rules.

Please feel free to report here anytime you find an issue that cannot be resolved in game at the time you are playing. Thanks again!
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Thank you for your nice words :)

Also thx for the advices, i?m in teamspeak alot, as well as on the coop server (as can be seen at ther sever ranking stats), but at this time there was no "PR" admin in the coop section and i didnt want do disturb other channels cause of some random fags on the coop server ^^
Maybe u guys promote me someday to become coop admin, like u did to some other friends around the coop section, but i dont want to ask for this doing this post ;)
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