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Awsum coop round


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  • 2 weeks later...
And another amazing teamwork round.
Our squad took out 18 ammocaches on AlBasrah.

For those ones, they're thinking, prcoop is only running for flags and killing bots, ur wrong.
It makes always fun to have a secondary mission and it seems like people want a good insurgency coopmode too.

Cachehuntig is an dangerous job.
Sometimes i lost more teammates because they are to close to an exploding ammocaches than killed by bots.
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Agreed Eclipse, (u remember my words ... : "spandrell + C4 ... ok, if u want action do it")

That was funny. Ur body dropped in front of him. I revived u and i was all time scared because he can overrun u twice and me too xD.
Not cool is, that the c4 brick of the combat engineer are only usefull to destroy ZPU4 or to mine a street but isn't able to harm the ammocaches?!
Maybe a bug. That disables the combat engineer kit gameplay on AlBasrah coop totally.

U noticed our sniper "yoon" too, right?!
Never saw an player, that used his sniperkit so usefully in an moving infantry squad in an urban area. Really agile sniper.
A sniper is a good addition to an infantry squad, if the squad have a mission like searching ammocaches.
1. team go for an ammocache flag (on AlBasrah that's are : slums - mosque - outskirts - appartments and palace)
2. after capturing, sniper taking a good position and overwatch the area
3. meanwhile, team searching the ammocaches of that area
4. sniper can engage enemies and report contacts to the team
5. team destroyed the cache and kill the insurgents and defended the flag as well
6. team regroups and go for the next ammocache flag

Our rifleman AKM-RF was a good teamplayer too.
He always knows what he must do, if the SL or medic goes down.
Clea(r/n)ing first the areal - picking up the medic kit and revives the teammates.
He have no mic but he can hear the teamvoip. If he join a voip squad, he can't speak but don't kick him from the squad!
Good teamplayer in my opinion!!

And great thanks to Muniz, he and AKM-RF was doing alltime the dangerous job :
Burning down the ammocaches !stop : if u do it wrong u will die and maybe the whole team!!!
One bad situation, the whole team found an ammocache that was hidden on a roof - Muniz dropped only 1 incendiary and the cache directly explode close to us. We only survived because i'm warned all mates the whole time, if we burning down a cache, don't stand to close to them. All mates was only injured.

1. Golden rule : use one ... and run! HIND : drop the incendiary into the box with the RPG rounds!!!
2. Golden rule : use another 2 incendiaries and run so fast u can. (check always ,that u have enough sprintpower for escaping).
Some of the ammocaches are hidden in the undergound and u can only escape trough a ladder.

Fazit: Awesome teamplay round, but pls, to some other ones:
Never scrutinize (i mean : start flaming) about my actions or what my squad doing on AlBasrah coop!

THX for this nice coop round.

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Know, him. He's using voip and can play good in a team.

He was in our squad too? I know that some of the team had disconnects and Lamb2 leaved early because he had to go and new members joined.
I only remember the maincore: Eclipse, Muniz, yoon and me and that the 2 others ones was good teamplayers too.
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