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[poll] Are you bored with PR Co-op?


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PR is unstable, horribly coded, full of bugs and unreliable! I tried again to play and quickly remembered why I stopped playing it. Server crashed twice, 2 different maps, it's just frustrating and impossible to have fun while enduring that nonsense.
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From Branzone regarding the purge we experienced yesterday:

Hi Scott,
BF2 still have exploits that allow servers to get flooded or crashed. I checked the logs and it looks like a player was kicked and 10 seconds later everyone else disconnected:

[08.22.2012 14:56:59] Kick Command Issued (MD5Tool Mismatch: dbghelp.dll (len=2048)) for (slot#6) cd98e855c1c24e9de2470 (Fin)samsppa
[08.22.2012 14:56:59] Lost Connection (slot #6) cd98e855c1c24e9de247(-) (Fin)samsppa
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #10) 2de752edebefc7efc06d(-) aarongooding
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #13) df089391f52a7bff6ae2(-) =VG= BLuDKLoT
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #14) e47089245633db7fd6706c(-) Born2Kill(Airborne)
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #16) 7cc8ba22849e75671e4c(-) =HOG= NaturalBornTarget
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #12) 992eff9f0bc0a102db66e41f7d(-) =]H[= De4dByD4wn
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #7) 46c70f4f3d5147c56056d8a810(-) [GER] NordwaII
[08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #8) 8ffcae1d477dd01a95e22a7c06(-) Oskar1582[PL]
[08.22.2012 14:58:52] Lost Connection (slot #4) f92012cca4d38cdfca8553dede(-) RafiPol

Perhaps that user triggered the disconnects. We have other busy BF2 servers that get crashed several times a day because they are ranked high on server tracking websites. There's no preventative measure that we can take to prevent these types of exploits from happening. I wouldn't say that every instance is caused by this but this one looks like that's probably what happened.

Brandon M.

GUID's edited

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Blud sams a regular player and a good guy he was telling me a few weeks ago that he was getting kicked by PB. I'm quite sure he's not responsible and I'm sure others would agree with me.

Blud Albasrah is a very unstable map deployment and coop wise maybe move it to the end of the rotation and will help slow down some crashes.
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Hi Blud.

I am personally not bored with the game.
But then again it?s not that often the game itself. It?s the gameplay. And I love the coop when we are many on it.
I just wish that more played it. It?s a bit sad that other servers have players and Vg is empty.
I try to go in and with a presence attract players, but playing alone. That?s when the game, or any game get?s booring.
The crashes are a problem that?s true. They interrupt the game when yoo finally has got something set up.
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Something is wrong with the maplist. It won't allow me to edit, rather it won't keep my changes. After I reboot the server it reverts to it's default maplist...wtf?

I think this is happening with the FH2 server as well.. we can't seem to change the maplist permanently
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MD5 Tool Mismatch - happens, if u mess around with your original pr stuff and/or modified it accidently.
It can happen, if he installed a map, that was not renamed and modified the original one.

That can be tested.

6 guys joining a server (any map).
One of him modify any map, doesn't matter which one. Than, all joining the server.
If the guy with the modified map get kicked for MD5Tool, we can look if the otherones get kicked too or the server crashs.

More infos about the error:

[08.22.2012 14:56:59] Kick Command Issued (MD5Tool Mismatch: dbghelp.dll (len=2048)) for (slot#6) cd98e855c1c24e9de2470 (Fin)samsppa

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I'm still not sure of the solution but the problem is, once we get the server going, it crashes and then nobody comes back. It's been like this for as long as I can remember, even with our last provider. But at least with them, we didn't have all these other issues with the maplist. Not sure if it's even fixable?
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