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VG Mod / Test Server


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That's not so easy.

The navmeshes already created.
If u put something (static) on an navmesh, thats have negative effects.
Maybe u game can crashed or the bots blocked by the static (because its in their way) idk really what can happend.
If u placed statics in an area, that the bots never use, so it works

If u create a new Map, with new content statics, kits, vehicles, ambient sounds, Controlpoints, Combatarea, Teamsettings .... what ever and creates the navmeshes and lightmaps, so u born a new PR child.

I think thats not a to big challenge. U need time and nerves of steel (yeah, bad, buggy BFEditor)
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LamorakFCF LAN_WROTE ...

I'd be willing to help out if you need any modeling done. I currently do 3D models/textures for work. All my work has been static so far so I don't know much about rigging. Can't be that hard =P. I can build just about anything tho....

Hey Lam!

Sup man, thanks for the assist bro. I think we're just in the daydream phase at the moment but dang this would be cool to do.

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well, what can we do?

- new maps (like barracuda 2)

- retexture some parts (like a kashan snow desert)

- gameplay changes (no compas in the inf-hud, make a tank with a driver, a gunner and a commander)

- new content (vehicles, weapons... from aix and fh2)

- total conversion (like the VG-Zombie mod)

any other suggestions?
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U know, thats not allowed to use OtherModContent before u ask them friendly?

And why u want to make a Mod? It exist enough content (staticobjects or vehicles or what u want) in the PR folder.
I think first, we must build a map with a good Leveldesign and coop support, with intelligent way- and spawnpoints.
U didn't need new content or placing much vehicles into the levelsfolder to create a good map.
Make a good ambient. U have much possibiltys with the BF2 Refractor Engine, to use ambienteffect and Triggers.
Its possible to let spawn mines in Base C or near to the road, if one guys crossing the trigger at Base A, if he enters the bathrooms (stupid excample but it works).

Be carefull and dont change any Tweaks from the weapons or vehicles.
If the weapons doing more Damage or u have more ammo, u kill the Teamplay. (if i have enough ammo, i need no rifleman kit in the Squad. If i have more Bodyarmor, i need no medic, if i have no compass, i cant use the mortar aso).
The bots accurate enough, they can fire through vegetations, smoke and get no penaltys from suppressingfire so please dont make them harder.

Usefull link(s)


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Lets move away from the "Mod" and think more about making maps for now, what do you guys think?. If we could get some decent maps made, I could throw up !c5 a Private Server and with our new maps, we could fill that server guaranteed. If they're any good, maybe the Devs will use them officially and this could be a way we contribute to the coop community. I didn't realize they only have a few people to work on coop so this is why we're always missing out on new stuff. If we can help out somehow, maybe we can change that. I'm still unsure how feasible this is, but would be cool.
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Ok, i try it but ...

i can start earliest at january because i must learn other new Software first (SAP / GOF = my Company and the employers is saled and the new FAMILY changing the systems and processes).

I think i build first a 2km x 2km mapsize because idk the maximums for a good fps performances (4km x 4 km are mostly laggy and complicate too build). That means too, that the map doesn't have any Airplanes like jets or A-10).

I know, that some of the VG community really like to use the Huey Transports and the CAS Huey (or BH), so is it will be done.
No Apache or Cobra (i think it kills the teamplay and pimp up the fragghunters)

I think, i costumize the map specially for the USMC side (playerteam) so thats no BOT-vehicles are on this side.
The opponent sode becomes BOT-only vehicles, to scare the forbidden teamswitchers.

But idk what location? What the people likes (Urban Maps, Forest maps, Desert maps, River maps)? A good mix of all?!
If i make a terrain with too high mountains, i getting trouble with the navmeshs! So more smooth hills.

Any Suggestions?


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With the start of our fh2 server came the idea about combining pr and fh2. project reality has a well balanced gameplay while forgotten hope 2 has a ton of assets to use. We have the biggest coop server on both mods and they both have many great coop maps, so we don't need to worry about navmeshing (impossible at the moment!)

We could build a prototyp (for example kashan desert with fh2 assets) and send it to both teams to ask for there permission.

Remember, this is the modding scene and things are possible, which nobody would even think about in the normal gaming industry
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Hey Iffn,

it isn't a great problem with the navmeshes.
U can create the navmeshes with the Bf2 Editor. U install first u BF2. After this patch it to 1.5, install the python 2.4.2 (new version is 2.5 but not really needed). At last, u install the BF2 Editor.

Now, u create a map. That means -
form the terrain, adding roads, adding undergrowth (be carefull, Undergrowth makes often problems -BACKUP before u work with it) adding staticsobjects, vegetations, create Controlpoints, Combatarea (requirement to create the navmeshes later), Spawnpoints, vehicle spawns. Later comes the ambientsounds - effects and triggerables (moving plattforms)

For coop we must add something (i read it only one time and i am not familiar with it) like neighbourhoods for each controlpoint and must connect it to other neighbourhoods. Adding waypoints for the bots. We can do all this with the BF2 Editor.

Iffn, u remember ur chatbox link about the navmeshes?! The green one, what u see, is a grid that covers the terrain. The bots can only move about terrain, that covered with the green grid (NAVMESHES).
Now for our 3DSmax Artists. If anybody creates some statics like buildings, create it with col03 meshes on stairways -floors and rooms.

If u placed a building with col03 into the map and do the navmeshingthing, the BF2 Editor automatically generates navmeshes for the terrain and connect it with the col03 (so col03 is a navmesh mesh) from the building.
Now the bots are able to spawn inside the house (requires a spawnpoint) and can walk out of them into open terrain. If u placed a building without interior rooms or wall and create the navmeshes, the navmesh grid getting holes (no navmeshes generated at the location from the object), so the bots cant collidate with the objects because no navmesh)

The biggest problem is to generate the lightmaps. Many times i read that the Devs do this in 3DS max. The BF Editor needs lightmapsamples to create shadows from buildings, trees etc. IDK if we getting good effects with the standard lightmapsamples from EA for the editor. I read it needs really long time to generate the lightmaps (20-30 hours+).

sorry for megapost
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