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Thoughts: Maps, Opfor and Rules


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Hi all.

As we're all in a little 'not-able-to-be-playing' mode at the moment I would like to bring up the following suggestions/questions. If that's okay?

1.) Maps: I think it's cool to play Muttrah or other maps that we play all the time, but I think it will be nicer if it were possible to have the server to put in a more challenging/tempting map (afterall it's the players that make the game not the map) when it reboots. Is that something that is possible? Also I would like to know if it is possible to ask an Admin to decide to go back to the map we were playing before we 'crashed'. Personally I think that this is much cooler than playing Muttrah three times in a row in less than 2 hours. Or you guys can make it a rule that when an Admin is online we can fastforward to the previous map. I don't know, it's just an idea.

2.) Enemy Assets: I think, and I had a bit of a hard time with this, all enemy assets should be owned by the team that conquers them. I.e. if you are playing and you capture a Shilka or BTR you should NOT get shit from the APC or AA team because it's not their stuff. What do you guys think? My opinion is that this is a great advantage for the entire team and we should always say 'keep it, it's yours, you earned it' . Your thoughts?

3.) Opfor: I love playing Opfor because it poses you with challenges that you're not used to when playing only COOP like me. May I suggest to do Opfor more often like; one week off or on or like every Thursday and Sunday? It would be cool. :)

Foremost thank you for this server. I know everything is not working right now but damn! It's good to play here. It was five years ago and it is now~!!
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1) Muttrah is currently the best map for seeding. It is fairly easy and challenging at the same time without having too many/few assets. Also, at the moment it seems to be the most stable map (doesnt crash that often) meaning it is a good one to gather up more people before heading out to more challenging maps.

2) We are not going to have that discussion again. I've already talked to Melon and all neutral enemy vehicles should get removed fairly soon. Using them will just get people tk-ed and then we will have those 20 page long arguments on the forums about who's right and who's wrong
Our advantage is that we are fighting against an AI and that is all we need.

3)We already had an OPFOR event recently. Most of the maps are made in favour of OPFOR as they are mostly played by the bots meaning they would have huge advantages over BLUEFOR, meaning that the rounds would be very boring and easy. Take black gold ALT for example - OPFOR gets 6 Heavy tanks, 8 BMPs, AAs, Techies, while Bluefor only has 2 tanks, 4 Light apcs and 2 jets that crash at the start.

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2.) Think about what seems to be everybody's favorite maps: Muttrah and Kashan. Take away ("capture") the assets and the AI will walk across the desert/city, ready to be picked off by any BLUFOR defenders. They will never make an attempt to recapture (read: enter) the vehicle unless it's somewhere along their path from one flag to another. It would be even more like seal clubbing.
The intention is to pick off enemy vehicles and use the temporary advantage to make a push before reinforcements arrive. It's one of the few PR mechanics that translate well to coop despite the lacking AI.
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For maps i would like to suggest to give people an alternative way to vote for nextmap or run nextmap. This because, when certain maps runs such as INF/Vietnam the server drops heavily in players and stays low through the entire round. This causes the BLUFOR to have insufficient "decent" players to win / have a nice round.
From observation on TS3 I often hear people (mainly staff) say they will skip this map because its INF map and they can't be asked to play it,
this is of course there own choice in this but I always wonder why they don't try to prevent this from happening.

I hear that the mapvote could crash the server and it might be true!
But, when most admins are offline it is used quite a few times without issues.

So I wonder if there is a ways we could vote for !runnext so we do not need to be stuck at that map until it Finally ends/crashes or admin switches it.
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