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Player steal their own asset use by their squadmate


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Is there a rule when a player in same asset squad steal the asset claimed by their squadmate. like you in the same squad as your teammate and you already claim the asset, but you got teamkill at main base by another player and then another player from your squad use the asset that you claim first.

hope you guys understand what im trying to say, my english is not good.

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assets on same squad are usually 1st come 1st server. but if the squadlead gives specific orders that takes priority. now for your situation it is not your squad mates fault you got tked it is also possible he/she didnt notice you claimed it already. in any case they did know politely inform them of the event where you got tked on your asset. so they know you have already claimed it. if they dont comply go talk to your squadleader about it.


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Squads claim assets, not players. So the short answer is no, there is no rule governing which player in a squad uses which asset. However, players in a squad are required to listen to the SL. Failing to do so is justification for a SL to kick a player from the squad. The SL should be fair and balanced in that role. 

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Every asset has its own respawn location, after playing with an asset in one of these locations and getting it destroyed, you wait at that location for that asset to respawn.  Only confusion that should happen would be crowded spawn locations with same-same assets, and then as stated above, communication is key.  You are responsible for your asset, if someone else gets their asset destroyed, they can't jump line to yours while you are running to man it - they must wait for their asset to respawn just as you did for yours.  That was the spirit of the rule as it was intended to be interpreted for in-squad asset responsibility, even though the letter of our rules does not dictate one way or the other.  It's just common courtesy - and so if they don't know, they may mistakenly take your asset and not their own, so talk more with each other.

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It happen yesterday at early game where i just inside the helicopter waiting for players to get inside heli and then some player tk me and then another player from my squad using it....I try to say that I claim it first and got tks, and then he say 'thats your problem'.

BTW, Thanks for replying......I'll keep that in mind

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