A3 Insurgency ACE (Takistan) Server Rules
Server IP: | | |
Server Port: | 2302 | |
Server Location: |
![]() |
Access: | Public | |
Password: | (none) | |
Required Version: | (always latest version) | |
Required Mods: | YES - (steam link) | |
Game Type: | Squad Mil-Sim | |
Gamemode: | Insurgency COOP | |
Mission Style: | Persistent (Takistan) | |
Discord Link: | (invite link) | |
Report Players: | (forum link) | |
Report Server Issues: | (forum link) | |
Server Founder: | =VG= .Blizzard. | |
Server Tech Support: | =VG= SemlerPDX | |
Server Config: | =VG= .Blizzard. | |
Server Updates: | =VG= .Blizzard. | |
Server Captain: | =VG= TEDF | |
Server Lieutenants: | ||
=VG= keed | ||
=VG= Deathdealer | ||
Server Officers: | (game admins list) | |
(recruiting) |
Arma 3 Insurgency ACE (Takistan) mission by =VG= .Blizzard.
Rules Enforcement: Standard Operating Procedure
If you violate our rules expect to be punished. The rules below are enforced by our admin team who adhere to strict guidelines.
If you feel you have been punished unfairly by one of our server admins, or wish to report a player, post here: Complaints/Report Disruptive Players
When no Arma Admins are online or in the TS3 Channels, use the forums link above to create a player report. If you need to make a private report, message SemlerPDX, m823us, or BLuDKLoT
1. Assets and Vehicles
Taking any game asset/vehicle that doesn’t belong to you:
- Taking an asset without being in the proper squad which it belongs to
- Taking a vehicle in the field while said vehicle was being used by another squad
We do not allow solo play on our team servers when other players are online, and players are expected to work together. Failure to do so may result in a warning to stop.
- Failure to play as a team. i.e. Solo/sniper medics, aka "RAMBO"
- Using Mortars without a Forward Observer
- "RAMBO the cache" (going solo without clearing zones only to find and blow cache)
Abusing or destroying of assets/vehicles, or using it so terribly that the team doesn’t benefit from it’s use. This includes:
- Ramming the Cache with aircraft
- Pilots showing poor judgement
- Intentionally destroying assets/vehicles
- Crashing/destroying assets on takeoff or after very short use due to incompetence
- Consistently dying while using an asset, so that our team cannot rely on its support
- Multiple failed attempts at flying over or attempting to land in an unsafe area while carrying troops
*If an Admin declares that you are 'grounded' DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLY AGAIN UNTIL PROPERLY TRAINED!
2. Teamkilling
Intentional teamkilling
Intentional teamkilling of ANY kind is strictly forbidden. This includes:
- Intentionally shooting and killing friendlies
- Forced teamkills (e.g jumping in front firing MG)
Accidental teamkilling
Accidents happen, but always show courtesy and apologise. If these teamkills occur frequently, you will be warned and subsequently kicked or banned
3. Disrupting gameplay (Griefing)
Willfully disrupting gameplay in a way that prevents players enjoying the game in any way is against the rules. Examples include:
- Destroying friendly vehicles
- Hovering over the AO or players in a helo
- Laying mines with an intent to teamkill
- Purposely limiting friendly movement with no tactical advantage (Bridge destruction, deploying razorwire)
- Spamming vehicle guns or shooting in main base
4. Disrespect
Racism will result in an immediate ban
Religious/political hostilities, flaming, harassments and threats will be condemned harshly
Insults against admins will result in a kick, continued aggression will get you banned
5. Spam
Spamming, either via chat or microphone, is prohibited - You will be warned and kicked; Frequent offences may result in a ban
Music over VOIP may be considered spam if you do not stop when asked by any player who is bothered by it - ignoring requests to stop, or forcing repeated requests will result in a kick
6. Cheats | Exploits | Hacks
Unfair advantages of any kind will be punished by an immediate ban. These include:
- Aimbots
- Wallhacks
- X-ray mods
- Accessing ZEUS in any way
- Abusing game meta or exploits (intentionally or repeatedly)
- …
7. Reporting and Player Honesty
Any report of any player must be accompanied by a valid reason, specific details, and preferably proof through screenshot, video, or chat logs; Abusing our reporting system or creating false reports will get you banned
False Allegations & Misrepresentation (Lying)
If you lie to get another player kicked or banned you will be banned instead
If you misrepresent yourself as someone else or use any type of subversive means to present the facts or minimize to a large degree the events leading to a ban you are appealing, you will be banned from all VG servers
Use of =VG= tags without being an active clan member or attempting to play on (or impersonate) the Bot side on our COOP (PvE) servers will results in kick or bans on our servers
Names of a borderline inflammatory nature are not allowed, literally or symbolically. Players are not discouraged from expressing themselves through their avatar nicknames, but must do so without using names of, or mostly similar to: fascist belligerents from past or current wars, current or former terrorists, anything that could be considered inflammatory, intentionally similar to or mocking other players or admins, religious figures, or anything that seems to attempt to make a statement of a potentially inflammatory nature.