One days we were playing charlies point map, we were both squad leaders and he told me this: "I send you my squad, they will follow your orders".
What i wana say is ................................ I loved him because i have a feeling that he loved me even if we did not know each other personaly.
He was a good people.
Last time i saw him was in muttrah, i was doing trans and he requested a ride from east city (T building) to fortress, i went to his squad (he did not know it was me) and then, when i landed the chapter, it was the last words i heared from him, and gess what he was saying (in happy way):
Heyyyyyy it's Waaaarghost, guys it's waaaarghost.
I let you guys imagine how much i'm shocked right now.
I heared about his lost just yesterday, i was asking where is the man and they say "we can't talk about that, go to forum and check", now i understand what they mean and i want to thank you guys for being carefull in such situation.
I ....... I imagine him in peace now, doing his funny things.
Damn i will miss him so much.
I also want to thank HeaterActual for all what he did for CrazyVet (it's a name i want to keep in mind) and say I'm so sorry for the lost, it was a very hard moments for you and his family.