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=VG= poffadder

VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= poffadder

  1. The event will take place at 1900h GMT (Zulu) on Saturday the 26th of January. We will be playing a large scale and coordinated MSO session with the L.A.M.B.S community on our server. We will play till we drop and have some good fun with some great team players. Please sign up if you want to attend, the event is open to anyone. This post will be updated with information as it becomes available. If you are new to MSO please RTFM: https://dev-heaven.net/documents/56 Event Overview: [Will be added when its ready] Mods List: If you are using Six-Updater go to the Server Browser tab, click on the Import Server button above the list of MP servers, and paste this link: sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/2342.yml This will add a new preset on the left which you can use to start the game and join the server. Make sure you add any client-side mods like JSRS_ACE or st_movement. If you already have a preset in SU you may need to delete it and re-import. @ACE; @ACEX; @ACEX_USNavy; @ACEX_RU; @ACRE; @ASR_MapGrids; @CBA_A2; @CBA_OA; @CBA; @exa_rg31; @GLT_F16; @GLT_MissileBox; @JayArma2Lib_new; @kyo_MH47E; @mad_build; @mad_resh; @rangers; @SNR; @sthud; @st_interact; @yup_uh60; Roles/Slots: [Will be added when its ready] Roster: Semler Dumbfoundead Nvram Ingo Wooz Poffadder Gaz Castor Sparky NeonKodiak Pigeon Slamfire Rev Maybe: 10 guys from L.A.M.B.S. !yes
  2. They fixed the super aimbot issue. They act like normal bots now, just with less server load and better reaction times.
  3. Okay jumping on to test all of the changes, thanks Savage. On a side note, we should make the MHQ droppable by the C130.
  4. Great now I wanna play MSO. I should be studying but I'll be playing this later today if anyone wants to join me.
  5. There are some pretty awesome missions here.. We should do an event this Saturday (29 Dec). The Phantom mission pack for ACE looks pretty cool and might work for an event.
  6. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I also like Arma persistant missions where the "island" stays the same, and I prefer HUGE maps, too. That way, each area is kinda like a new map. But what I like most, and the most CONTROVERSIAL, is that in DayZ I started with NO map, and it was cool to orient. Even with an Online map picture, it was so fun, and when I got a map, I felt I had earned it - that I didn't fully need it, and that it was a luxury. Unfortunately, most people don't agree with my opinion, and they always need that map or sometimes even GPS to feel comfortable and entertained as well in any given (random) game. Only in events does it kinda become acceptable to them to not have a map, if say, their FTL had one or whatever the situation may be. I tried to fix the map problem a couple months ago by changing the veteran difficulty class so that players couldn't see themselves or friendlies on the map. I wanted this implemented so that players would be forced to be aware of where they are and where friendlies are. Not many people enjoyed it because they are so used to seeing their little blue marker but I think with more use, we could all get comfortable with real navigation and orienteering. Maybe vehicles that have a tactical awareness system should have the markers but it would be difficult to remove markers for one and not the other. Also as admins, mission editors and designers, we need to make sure that global and side is either turned off or is reserved for special cases. This is mainly because some people, including myself, don't like the use of map markers (they are fine in close proximity or in the briefing.) Infantry would not have access to data link systems like SADL (well JTACs would but I wouldn't know how to separate it) so points of intrest on the map should be communicated in coordinates. We should find a way to implement a data link system for certain vehicles, JTACs and commanders. Let me know what you think about not having unit markers and position makers on the map. I better return my attention to my computer systems architecture lecture.
  7. BurnitDown LAN_WROTE ... Hey guys, I decided to give DCS a try, and it's pretty difficult going so far. Since I bought the game on steam, I have no flight manual and have to learn from the in game training. If anyone would like to join and learn with me or teach me, it would be a appreciated! Find me or Iffn on TS, we will get you started. There is a steep learning curve though so prepare for a week of learning. The first thing I will say to get you started is to learn how to ramp start. The training mission will help you learn the procedure pretty quick. Took me 2 or 3 runs through the tutorial to memorise it, I wrote down a short hand checklist but didn't use it much. Also the manual is available online and I'm pretty sure there is one in your games install directory. I'll be on later if you need some help. What flight controller are you using?
  8. 1SgMorrison =VG= LAN_WROTE ... If you like it better, we will make it official who is a bendit and who wanna play surviver...maybe we add Sherrifs too :) I think that would break it for me. I don't want to be tied down to a role or have other people know what my intentions are.
  9. Will speak to Solar sometime this week and see what we can do to make the voted for option happen.. Maybe we can get an event out of it. (I voted: Server restart, start with nothing, YES for Bandits) And I like and support Morrison's rules for bandits. (Also secretly planning ACRE integration)
  10. Please post if you are going to be around. Mission: Operation Devil's Highway Patrolling the Afghan highway is your top priority. This road is 5km long and is the boundary between Taliban territory and the safezones. On your patrol you may encounter other objectives. These are secondary and are not required to finish your mission. Along the highway you will encounter VP's. A VP is a vulnerable point. Or an area that is highly likely to have IED's placed by the Taliban. Approach these areas with extreme caution. Mission time ~ 1900H Zulu (possibly some warm up first) Mods: @EOD; @CBA_A2; @CBA_OA; @CBA; @opx_objects; @beton; @MBG_KillHouses; @mb_objects; @sangin; @ACE; @ACEX; @ACEX_RU; @ACEX_USNavy; @JayArma2Lib_new; @ACRE; @sthud; (optional - highly recommended) @st_interact; (optional - highly recommended) Please download the mods before we get started! Roster: SemlerPDX Poffadder Fastjack Wooz Gaz Outlanders Iffn Savage [WCC]sparky Murderface (maybe) Lupago (maybe) TortiaBoy (depends on map?) !eatlead
  11. If you like green then you will like these screenshots. Night flight and buddy lasing with Iffn: CM flare: Illumination flare: Illumination flare AOE: Buddy lasing: By mistake left my trim indicator on in most of the shots, sorry about that. More to come...
  12. Ralfi's best PR clip followed by some similar tactics on Ramiel:
  13. Wow those civs pretty much gave away a cache location. Nice vid man.
  14. Banned, thanks for the report. teehachse LAN_WROTE ... 3. Players BattleEye GUID. (You can get this by typing #BECLIENT PLAYERS in the in-game chat window) 5 47 ee12145e873e740fc321613f2fcd334a Be sure to post the GUID very clearly please. Eg. GUID: ee12145e873e740fc321613f2fcd334a
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