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=VG= LittleTortiaBoy

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Everything posted by =VG= LittleTortiaBoy

  1. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Too bad the old man passed out early.. actually can thank the wife for that (wink wink) For next time we should work out a solid game lineup of 4-5 different games and types before the event and make sure everyone has a copy. and already have it before hand but I had a lot of fun, I personally think the worst part was the whole "Windows Live" thing for GTA IV, other then that it was all good
  2. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... - bacon I'm in simply for bacon
  3. I might not be able to make it now, I'm having very unreliable router issues, I've had to reset it 3 different times today...
  4. I was able to join with everything except ST_Hud because I simply don't care for it and didn't turn it on
  5. is there anyway we could have a mod list up soon so we could set up before hand?
  6. Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Plus, I am not looking forward to the inevitable fashion show at the gear box as people decide which vest, webbing, backpack and helmet combo is "in" this season. it's honestly no different than waiting for people to pick their loadout/gear/weapons already, it's just going to add 30 seconds to an already 5 minute (at best) wait ((though that's just my honest opinion))
  7. is the CQB Spawn thing set for ALL the towns or just individual towns? because 20% might be good for the main town but perhaps to much for the smaller one? if that makes sense at all...
  8. I agree with ridDle, it runs pretty smooth even on my craptop ((albeit low settings but oh well)), animations are nice and smooth and each weapon is getting it's own reload, no more assault rifle reload animations while I load my SAW, weapons handle well along with vehicles ((HANDBRAKE ;D)), and the ragdoll effects now make it so much more satisfying to shoot people, my only major complaint are the waypoints. they are to lightly colored blend in to well with the surrounding and make it somewhat difficult to see what direction you really need to be going, but that's really the only issue I have that I can think of
  9. PC Gamer interviews Joris-Jan van ?t Land and Jay Crowe about "AI, map design, mods, and a response to ?Will Arma 3 break my PC?? http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/02/arma-3-interview-arma-3-alpha/
  10. what happens when you "pull" the trigger in Arma 3 http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/01/what-happens-in-arma-3-when-you-fire-a-gun/ the weapons (so far) in Arma 3 (don't click if you want it all to be a surprise until Tuesday) http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/ArmA_3
  11. Dslyecxi will be releasing a video on/about Arma III this coming monday ((March 4th)) http://dslyecxi.com/an-arma3-video-surprise-on-monday/
  12. I loved the mention of the battle bus in that interview, nice find
  13. all those links gave me 404 errors thx fixed !yes
  14. so...its pretty much the Minecrafft approach?
  15. how long will the Alpha last? will we only be able to play for a day or two or up until the full game is released?
  16. I'd be down for some EoD... and could we please keep the "ARMA" out of the thread? if you don't want to play BF2 and would rather play ARMA, then just ignore the bloody thread and move on...
  17. I'm changing my maybe to a yes, put my anywhere that's a rifleman or a marksman...
  18. I don't like being OPFOR...I don't like shooting at "our guys"
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