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Posts posted by PITN

  1. Solar,

    I hadn't thought about prbot. It would be a nice step up from our current status.

    Prob with doing it without battlerecorder is that we have to shoot multiple takes for one scene vs. one take and replaying it at different angles to get the same effect.

    Basically it would be easier to record, cut and edit if we had BR working. And easier on the actors as well.

    I'll be using FRAPS to record. I haven't decided on what editor to use.
  2. I was messing around the other day with the Rifleman AP class and I'd like to share my findings.

    1. You can stand directly behind the claymore when iit detonates and recieve no damage.

    2. The lethal range is 27 meters and wounds to about 45 meters.

    3. The claymores kill radius is about 120 degrees or 60 degrees from median. So if u stand 10 meters away on the right or left side (within 25 degrees of the right angle the mine is facing) you will survive the blast. If you stand at 25 degrees you will live and at 30 degrees you will die.

    4. You can carry two (2) claymores ans place up to four.

    This makes the Rifleman-AP class an excellent choice for setting up an ambush, defending a counter-attack and disrupting lines of communication.

    I'd like to do a training video and I need about six actors if anyone is interested.

    Director/Medic - PITN
    Rifleman AP - ?
    Rifleman 1 - theDay728
    Rifleman 2 - Fighter193
    Rifleman 3
    Rifleman 4

    Script - rough draft

    On the Chinese Helo Pad. It has an elevated guard tower I can use for an overhead shot. If we had access to BattleRecorder it would be so much better.

    I'd like to make a short clip showing all of the claymores strong and weak points. We'll set people up at set distances and angles from the claymore and detonate. We'll then show the wound damage using the medic.

    After the training clip has been shot, we'll do some practical use scenarios. This we can add to the training clip like outtakes.

    So I have homework for you guys. Play the Rifleman AP class as much as possible and try to think up as many creative uses for the claymore as you can. Record with FRAPs if you want and maybe we can add the really good ones to the outtakes.
  3. XP is better than Vista and Me. Against my better judgement, I bought Vista when it first came out. That was a total piece of garbage. A resource hogging, net nanny pile of doodoo.

    And I absolutely hate fixing computers. It takes hours to diagnose and in the end you need to reinstall everything. I'll end up wasting a full day just to get my essentials and personal settings back on there.

    My luck, I'll have hardware failure and need to get a new drive or something.

    It was due anyway. I usually reinstall once a year and it looks like it will not let me procrastinate any longer.
  4. My HD seems to have become corrupted. I can't get from the IDE detection at startup to windows. However, if I manualy select the boot disk, I can start windows but it's slow and buggy.

    I think I have some bad sectors or something. So if I disappear for awhile, it's because i am pulling my hair out and pissing on XP. ~:(

    I have a backup image of my install on a partition on the same drive. Failing that, I'll have to reinstall from scratch. Hope to have this figured out soon and I'll see you on the flip side.

    p.s. I may drop by and check on you guys from my PDA. At least that still works. ;)
  5. I broke the Training server.

    Loading Archer after Ramiel 64.

    The INS were capped out and we couldn't do anythng so did !runnext. It loads Archer and hangs at the "waiting for whatever screen" just before you can pick a squad/weapons.

    I usually hang on Archer's loading screen so I'm used to it. But the server didn't recover.

    Solar did a manual restart through RCON and got it back up.

    Unrelated info: I think we should remove Ramiel from the training server. On the 64 Version the US caps in 5 minutes. On the infantry version the US gets owned unless they are very well coordinated.
  6. Thought I'd start a log and see if we can find a pattern.


    Brief description - What you were doing and any unusual occurances just prior. Any and all info you think may help us diagnose the problem.


    Ramiel - Infantry only

    Even teams and we had the FOB flag as Insurgent. We were tossing frags when the server crashed 5 min into game.
  7. Ingo, are you saying you want to switch the bots to Blue Forces and humans to Red forces? That would be interesting. But most ppl play COOP to vehicle whore.

    The Training server has about an equal amount of bots, and humans can play either team. I played Taliban last night on Archer and had fun but it can be a pain in the ass on an empty server.

    Blud, we might want to try a Red Team server and see if people are interested in something like that. I just don't know how effective the bots will be as Blueforce.

    Call one server Blueforce and one Redforce. The Redforce server would need diligent policing because the vehicle whores wouldn't be able to resist taking a TOW, Cobra or Stryker and being a dick.

    What do you guys think?
  8. How many play BF:BC2?

    The last EA game I bought was 2142 and I was so pissed I didn't buy Bad Company when it came out and now they have BC2 already. I'm waiting for BF:3 and it better kick ass or .....

    EA is milking the shit out of the title and coming up with crap. 1942 was awesome. BF2 was awesome but Desert Combat was the shit. In my humble opinion 2142 was a bf2 mod and a shitty one at that. Talk about a waste of money. For all the techno advances 100 years later they had some absolutely inaccurate and weak ass weapons.

    RANT off.

    And don't get me started on Rainbow Six and UBi Soft. They havn't laid a R6 golden egg since Rogue Spear. Console cop outs. Grrrr.
  9. 0.917 is now available for download. They're going to release the installater password on Friday 4-9-10.

    Here is the link to the PR forum and the torrent files. I've already downloaded mine. Hurry up!


    Here are the development notes and changelog.

  10. Okay. This BS annoyed me.

    1. I login to the forum like normal.

    2. Use the back button to back out of the threads and suddenly I am now a GUEST.

    3. Crap. So I try logging in. No dice and I have to reset password.

    4. Kewl I can log in now after the reset.

    5. Back button out again. SHIT! Now I am a GUEST and PITN is online too. So I can't relog. Says corrupt cookie, delete cookie. OK. Still can't log. Grrrr.

    6. Close browser. Reopen and log in. SO now here I am ranting.

    so, WTF! Is the databuse corrupted or do I need to bitch slap windows?
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