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Everything posted by G.Kirkland

  1. hell yea man, i will be on tonight.
  2. ...stay where you are bud, dont be overclocking too much dont want to push your luck.
  3. i have to say no, i know what your talking about ingo, there are times, and some good reasons to lock a squad, but i do believe no locked squads are better. plus you could just always kick them from the squad if you dont want them
  4. indeed helldiv3r speaking the truth brother
  5. same here oni just more of a entire computer :P
  6. dont have HL1 :( doesnt look bad tho
  7. What other maps have forklifts? Muttrah is the only one isnt it?
  8. G.Kirkland

    Cell Phone cam

    useally that happens if you dont have access to the internet/ or w/e if you send a image, but idk i dont send pictures with my phone often, and mine does that everyonce in awhile/ not sure why :P
  9. Indeed badploy, know your environment, know your weapon is crucial in war. Know the advantages, and disadvantages of the terrain .
  10. i am downloading this now, epic man.
  11. i am going to love when it comes out, i am very interested in how there going to do this! i am also hoping they did it justice, dont just do the the dream of PR you wanted to do but do it justice for arma use the tools at your disposal!! make it like it should
  12. damn straight it is! nothing more win then have the 19th Forklift brigade ruining the enemys day when you become the famous US cavalry coming at the end of the day :D (guy who has been fighting 38 hours): Where the fuck have you been!? (19thForklift brigade): having breakfast.
  13. Well we could always try it, if it doesnt work we can work on it :D
  14. Agreed Mikeda, discipline is alot better then any formation( i believe anyways) Discipline and Experience is unparalleled.
  15. meh if anyone still has xp by now(especially) for gaming...probably shouldn't be playing bf3, or games at all :P
  16. same vanilla sucks, burn in fire vanilla... but a pr match might be fun :D
  17. goaly destroying his image? haha its hockey you dont have a image you hit the guy on the other team plain and simple ;P
  18. i love the forklifts :D epic road kills!! and i tiped a btr with one :3 forklift HAT kit/Saw coming around the cornor against the enemy ftw and same to you mikeda :D good game
  19. Just some Screenshots i have gathered over the past month. fail death anyone up for a little swim? i believe this is jarema messing around with the chinook on al basrah fail right? wrong he actuall pull out of this close fail. Orion and me waiting for the apache.
  20. No joking jarema, they dont listen to community, yet there only excusses are either "its the engine/which we have been proved wrong before" or we have to balance gameplay and reality, which if you want to help the gameplay you have to listen to the community, which is where jarema's statement comes to play. Ban hammer
  21. You can not fly bot helicopters, which i believe is what your talking about, things like muttrah or barracuda only half the carrier is bot plains you can fly the other half. but things like karbala, all the heicopters are bot locked not allowing you to fly. Ramiel only allows you to fly the LB and Apache but only 2 of the out of the 4 other helicopters
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