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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. in black gold there is an invisible door in the right tunnel. you can look inside but can not go there.
  2. ok, then you get a pm in the future ... I just did not want to build pressure, so I did not ask further. but it was not that bad, the only server that was online has mutated to a vg-server. 90% of the players were usually always on the vg server ... interesting to see how the quality of the other server lifts up if vg is not online^^ Anyway, thanks for updating.
  3. 3.6 mb ... that's not a real update ^^ lets wait for ;P
  4. I know, I know ... that was a primitve joke ... sorry ^^
  5. ^^nice videos, but why did you censor the weapon bar?
  6. Thanks for the info. Waffen und Fahrradfabrik means weapon and bicycle factory in english...Nice combination^^
  7. I do not have much to do with real guns ... but is there really the "German Sturmgewehr"? I would have thought that this is simply the german word for submachinegun and was used in the second world war ...or iam wrong? I ask just because in Germany you hear this word only in connection with the third reich.
  8. when you're done, anyway, the new update comes out ...; P
  9. I think I got it.^^ you mean the extreme pull and the kind of arrangement? there are people with visual disabilities ... who then have larger icons. In addition, windows is not only used at home. At workstations of any kind it is sometimes useful to be able to move it elsewhere or resized it.
  10. I do not understand the question. or is it about the window adjustment? that was always broken in windows ...
  11. this is your computer ... you just have to click this program down, then you can use it to write things, surf in net or listen to music ...; P What do you mean exactly? Looks like you just opened the startbar twice ...
  12. can you prove that? ; P just fun. I can only agree with this.
  13. lol, really? if you often buy complett pcs, you realize that they often have errors. from the broken usb-port or card reader to the defective memory, everything happens. no, it's not an exaggeration. if you buy an office computer today, most of them have a ssd built in and a 4gb memory bar. If you take two memory bars, the whole computer would be faster. why you take a normal ssd for the system if you could take a m.2-ssd? right, its cheaper ... a dealer does not want to do you any good. he wants to make money. especially with computers, you can make a lot of money by installing no-name products, which puts a strain on durability and performance. You just said that it is safer to buy a new complete computer. and that's not true. I also buy no new car when the tires or the brakes are broken. good point. if you want to buy a gaming pc, take individual parts or you will be disappointed and/or you will pay much more than necessary. I can be wrong but you sound like you never bought parts. then that would be a one-sided experience ... You will not find any central statistics about defective computer hardware. but if you are looking for relevant you will find quickly enough material what your statement refutes. actually you only need to look in the support area of lenovo, ibm, asus, dell, toshiba and co ... The reason is money and because there are people who do not want to deal with computers. 90% of the "professionals" in shops are only sellers and do not have much idea but sales arguments. These "professionals" have not noticed that he has the wrong cpu in his mobo ^ ^ I think it's just not good to advise someone not to deal with computers and prefer to buy pc off the rack, if this is in fact always worse. sometimes you are lucky and find cheap and good complete-pcs due to the purchase quantities but then you have to search and you need expert knowledge to identify them. I think that was fun. straight ranger does not always use the easiest way. we could not be more offtopic I did not want to attack you personally, but I think it's not good to advise someone not to deal with something and leave that to any professional. you can do that, but it's always better to keep an eye on it and get used to it. even if it costs time and effort. especially when it comes to computers that will not be less in the future and that we will never get rid of again. this attitude helps apple, ms and other criminals sell even more devices and become even more powerful. look how nice the new iphone looks like ... you do not need to know how it works. either it works or not. if not, buy a new one ... jersens was just too fast with everything. and I think he will get his money back for everything. in such a distance there was no "fu**up". he only lost time but won knowledge.
  14. lol because new computers are also very often broken, or have in the course of time something between 1 and 4 hardware errors and complett pc are usually very bad matched together. Bravo. then buy an iphone and be happy. ^^ you can not prove your folklore either. To say a medion pc would last longer is total nonsense. just because you have an 8-year-old computer that is still running does not mean anything. I have a 128MB (!) scsi hard disk from the 80tis which is still running. according to your theory, that means that the individual parts last longer ^^ if you have no idea about computers that is totally ok, but then you give others no tips. And above all, no tips that are less to deal with something. Buying complete systems is often just as stupid as buying brand new cars. but that says it all;) can you give me the link to the study? where does this knowledge come from? Now please do not tell me that you have three friends who also have old pcs ... Such statements do not even apply to dell, apple or ibm where you can pay more for the support. you have to look for server technology and appliances with 24/7 use and even these often do not last as long as they should, but your medion-pc rocks on ...; P
  15. and if you buy a complete pc then you know when which part breaks? ^ ^ such a nonsense ...
  16. It is important to have a general overview and a few technology skills do not hurt. I have no expert knowledge in all areas but I can read the knowledge that I need quickly, because I can guess what I have to look for and what it could be. It's just important to know what you should not do. if you know how a circuit works and understood that a computer is not just running but has a thousand individual components that all have to run and harmonize with each other, but are very stupid for themselves, then you start to dominate a system. before that it dominates you because you are stuck to a surface where the desired function is not available. I have already broken many components in my life and many mistakes cost me days of my life. but all that together has brought me forward rather than annoying me. I handle 4 to 100TB of data a month and have a lot to do with hard drives. when cinema switched from analg to digital, that was a completely new thing. on this way I destroyed dozens of hard disks but also saved a few and now I know how to deal with file systems of various kinds. what I mean by that, do not let that pull you down, but see it as a guide for the next time. even if you forget 80% of this again, when you need new memory, you will remember this story, that there is ddr3 and ddr4, that you can not buy any, but the right one and where the dangers might lurk ... these stupid boxes know only two things: 0 and 1;) enough of scientific folklore ...
  17. I'm sorry to say that but semlerpdx is right ... on the other hand, as a beginner you have no chance if you get misinformation from "secured" sources. If a pc dealer tells me that this is a good system, then I also assume that it can be used. That's why I did not see if the parts fit together ... So the same mistake would have happened to me if I get told by a pc-dealer that it fits. Maybe I would have thought faster that is not the case but something like this is very irritating. I hope you can give the stuff back and get your money back. see it from the other side. you've learned a lot about computer systems. even if you can not do something with it right now, if it gets more it will give you a picture of the whole thing. the next time you buy a pc or parts of it, this will not happen to you anymore... but other things;) read, try and error...read and try again till it works. 10 read 20 try 21 if mind > system then goto 30 -else goto 40 30 have fun, goto 100 40 ...and ERROR! goto 10 100 if fun > mind goto 30 -else shutdown
  18. that was nonsens. tpu is to overclock your system automaticly... but it is still not responsible for this.
  19. jap, then the mobo is broken. but that means your old computer ist working now? sometimes you can be really unlucky with something like that. if all cables were plugged in and it could not be turned on, but your old computer is running, then the mb is broken. A few years ago I had a computer that crashed irregularly. When I opened the computer to find the mistake, it disappeared. I have tried everything possible to provoke the error or to find it. Whenever I put the computer in its place, a few days went well and then it all started again. in the end it was then the cable of the graphics card, which had always pulled the graphics card a little bit out of the motherboard... that was the very last thing I would have thought. So you can be unlucky, broken hardware, incompetent dealers and everything together. But in addition computers always have complex systems which are very prone to errors. i hope you now have a usable computer ... if you are not completely demotivated and still have questions, ask...
  20. thats weird. but what happens if you push 17? really nothing? when both power cable are pluged, the board has to do something. if not power supply or board is defective. the power supply you could check on the old computer ... maybe you really got a broken mobo.
  21. both should not be responsible for this. xmp is for your ram and tpu for ventilation. in doubt, switch tpu off. but that should not be the reson why your system dont start.
  22. have you connected a and b with a cable from your power supply? and is a plug of your rig on the number 11? what happens if you push number 17?
  23. ok, some power supplies have behind a small switch ... it says "on", right? have you just put the power plug on the mobo or have you also connected the front switch of the rack with? if not, he can not start. on your mobo is a connection that should look something like this. there must be a plug of your rack on it. otherwise the switch has no function on your rack.
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