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=VG= Nvram

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Nvram

  1. Sorry i?m out today;( can i catch up at around 22GMT?
  2. Ah 64 ?:) [MODERATOR EDIT: KEEP FORUM ON TOPIC Please! Wishlist: AH-64 is not missing, therefore cannot be on wishlist! !crazy ]
  3. =VG= Nvram


    I Thinj i have to go to italy for some games :D
  4. =VG= Nvram


    I?m using a M4A1 Sopmod block 1&2
  5. =VG= Nvram


    Body armour alone front: Rear: Low-vis standalone Helmet Kitlist: BA: Vel-Tye Hugger NSW MJK Coldsteel Tomahawk KC 13 Flare Cyalume Eagle/allied SFLCS issued canteenpouch MJK Eagle/allied SFLCS issued quad M4 (2x2) MJK 2 PTW Mags 30rds Low-vis: Vel-Tye low vis chestrig MJK Eagle/allied Utility SFLCS issued MJK Blackwater double grenade pouch MJK SOG Sealpup MK 141 Mod 0 grenade CAT tourniquet Sig 226 GBB 4 cd PTW Mags 30rds Team Tecom xp Funke Helm: Mich 2001 Norotos 3 hole Rhino IFF Flag Ms 2000 Distress marker ESS NVG Missing: 2 S&S V Lights, Contour HD :P
  6. I Think we shoud wait for ther next full release to see what happens to the coop and than maybe chance
  7. http://www.4shared.com/file/9t7KCC59/strike_at_karkand.html? http://www.4shared.com/file/gmv4ghUO/korengal_3.html?
  8. There are a few in the PR Forum http://www.4shared.com/get/hH1u8SXf/PR_MAPS.html
  9. Hey guys i really would like to become a =VG= member because you are great Players and i really love your PR and TS server i?m almost everyday online gaming with you and had some really epic rounds on Muttrah or else:)
  10. CC can you look over my map if its good or should i fix something? And do i have to remove it from the levels folder to play on a server?
  11. Ok I Updated Midnight sun here´s the new one just extract it in the PR\Level\ Folder Please delete the old one LINK: http://www.file-upload.net/download-3311096/Midnight_Sun.rar.html
  12. http://www.file-upload.net/download-3310356/Midnight_Sun.rar.html Just ALMOST finish( 99%) ToDo list: Repairsation Bugged LAV maybe Flag layout and vehicles
  13. THX Fastjack i downloaded and played it BUT Std and Alt Layout are same:P those vanilla maps are always fun thank you a lot;)
  14. I told your Squad 2 minutes before that on pos of the Sqd "Recon" the Road is mined and you were the Second Bradley in less than 3 minuts that hit one of my mines because of ignoring the warning.... I even called to be carefull as you run just over it To Explain I was the Guy that mined the Road and marked it
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