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=VG= Nvram

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Nvram

  1. Pls put the magic box back... M110 are unuseable rangefinder. And soflam too...
  2. **COMMENT REMOVED** You know NV... a lot of time is spent getting these missions working to everyone's liking. Please don't come on and yell that people are idiots because you can find a fucking battery for your SOFLAM. Thank you. PS: I'm not putting the magic box back in for now edited by: SavageCDN
  3. Please put the magic box back there is no chace else to get Some stuff you really cloud use if you play alone on the server...
  4. Server FPS were pretty low around 15 fps or even less the most time
  5. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Hell, all this testing without a database is a large part of the desire for a faster way to loadout, or perform tasks that seem like fine systems already to some of us. All the "rapid" role switching seems odd to me, not very MSO, though I like the idea of making anything easier on players. My point is, when we get this thing "alive" I will log in, set up my gear for the first time - I likes my Mk17 EGLM RCO, but can use any Rifle really - key point being, then next time I rearm, I'll probably just refill consumables like ammo, smoke, medical gear. Depending on the level of action I saw, I may not need to take but a few more to "top off" or I may really stock up. If I need to become a "Light Machine Gunner" then I can simply drop my primary weapon and rounds, and grab me a SAW and some ammo. If I'm gonna switch up to be a FAC or spotter, DMR, etc. I may also grab a rangefinder and some batteries, a DAGR, and if needed, a larger radio. These things do not take that much time, and if they do, I'd suggest using the "filter" buttons on the gearbox menu to find key items that much faster. Once you are at a level of "modifying" your current loadout, only a handful of items may change. ^^ This Pretty much fits in Make some empty ammo boxes in the FOB so player can drop thier stuff there to do a mission fill the stuff in the box, get something else for da different kind of op, finish it, got back to base get on his personal crate dump the new one and pickup his old one again like we did with the camping tents in DayZ Preset kits are always not a good idea just make a Preset backpack for AT etc just with ammo and medic stuff even that medic stuf in your preset is WAY to less a medic should carry at least 10-20 bandages, ~10 medic kits same for epi and morphine maybe 5-6 CAT?s are enought
  6. Just give everyone vectors or yardage then...
  7. We?ll i think i should serch for an other server to play on than....
  8. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... NVRam we are using the Rangers cause they look cool not to follow their exact loadouts. than the whole discussion about loadouts is complet pointless do it right ( Right unit right weapons and stuff) or don?t do it... everything else is like beer without alcohol.. or a movie without popcorn etc
  9. http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/7288/75th.png http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/9292/40530636631837005052719.jpg M4 and Mk11mod0 silenced in front http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=175226&d=1331736659 MK17.. http://i48.tinypic.com/33za1hy.jpg MK11mod0 http://i47.tinypic.com/3581cv5.jpg M4A1 Sopmod block 2 http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/6494/18544550389977629238511.jpg another MK17 http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3795/40278350650885269814410.jpg M4block 2 again http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/6223/37723950898728578363457.jpg MK17 and Probaply MK48 in background( could also be M240) http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/5028/25603457439342924301915.jpg M4 block 2 http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2830/74126657472029921033221.jpg MK18mod1 http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3937/84310359054897429413171.jpg MK17?s again http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/1517/26295034304593578557384.jpg a lot of M4 block 1+2 http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3586/62039539267343748948942.jpg 2 MK18mod1
  10. You know that 75th rager belongs to SOCOM? and not line inf? there are only person equipped with silencer who really needs them DMR needs, FAC needs too Sniper/spotter are more/less specops due their job (sometimes behind enemy lines) and need those... Here is nothing else specops on it have a look on MP. net what rangers are using
  11. Calv Not offence but why dont you look on that site i posted which weapons are used We are payling in a more or less desert enviroment and always have long range engagements where et AI is got a better weapon than the M4 due it?s small caliber A MK12 is not a DMR rifle even with the mk262 ammo its hard to hit tangos over 600m because of the small caliber And Most of the time you don?t need a NVG sight I think on short ranges up to 1KM the Yardage is better than the vector dunno why^^
  12. Commander: MK17 RCO GLock 18 GLTD 2 FTL: MK17 RCO GLock 18 Yardage 450 PRC 117 if no radio operator Grenades ETC should add everyone how he wants Grunt: MK17 RCO/MK16 Glock18 Spare Ammo MG/AR/AT Binocular Medic: M4A1/MK16 RCO/CCO Glock 18 Binocular Medic gear DM: M110 USP Silenced Yardage 450 AMMO Grenadier: MK17/MK16/M4 eglm RCO (depends on Mission) Glock 18 Binocular AMMO AT AR: M249 (m27 is NOT used by Rangers) Glock18 Binocular MG: MK48 or M240 Glock18 Binocular AT: M3 or Javelin ( depends on task) Mk17/MK16 Glock 18 Yardage 450 FAC: GLTD 2 MK17 , or MK12mod 1 silenced USP silenced AMMO MG/SAW Pilot: MP7 Glock or USP Yardage450 Sniper: M107/TAC 50 depends on person (Raufoss rounds) USP Silenced Vector nite rangefinder Spotter: M110 silenced USP Silenced Spottingscope GLTD2 Long range radio Should add a radio operator: MK16/17 Glock18 PRC 117 Yardage 450 Here is a list of used weapons http://rangers.americanspecialops.com/weapons/
  13. You should talk to people who were in war the past 3-4 years.. or check MP.net... not just wikipedia...
  14. BTW the M240/mk48 has also a lot longer range than the M249/or oher 556 toy guns... There is a reason almost every army is going back to 762mm rifles...
  15. For the M110 the M110 AN/pvs10 and the silenced are needed no need for the third variant Or maybe let each DMR decide which weapon to take i personally prefer the HK417 with Leupold scope over the M14, mk17 and M110(except night or silenced ops) But maybe we should add a real "Sniper " role with something like a Tac 50 or M107 for it?s really long range capabilitys ( did some 2000m+ Kills few days ago with it)
  16. NV - all the fobs were still there just no map markers ^^ then we should add the FOB Location to the channel description in TS so everyone knows where it is?
  17. Is there a chance to get bigger/Longer/Higher hescos etc? we should put a lot more building stuff on the map maybe next to the airfield in that big open field put a lot buildingstuff there in prefilled container with ~400whatever that unit is the containers hold so 5 Container should be enought to build the FOB Maybe also we should add something that we get dedicated Helopads
  18. Do it and Than delete the thread undercover admins are always good...
  19. Thanks for the good round today man. It was awesome to play with you :)
  20. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17326 should add that to MSO and http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16582
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