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=VG= Solar

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= Solar

  1. Lol at you sig dman.

    Like dman said, if there is no admin online take a quite note of his name and post it on the forums (theres a thread in here somewhere) .

    I work part time at nights to get around college, and I'm at college during the day, and when I'm not at work I'm doing college work. Since this is the last stretch before summer holidays I'm trying to get a million and one things done to meet deadlines. However I'll try to appear online during the day for a bit, even if its not to play the game but just watch over everyone.
  2. Hey dman, I think the server is offline because I didn't pay the last bill :D

    I don't see why we can't have this though, the only reason I stopped paying was due to lack of players on it and the fact I have alot to pay out at the moment. The cost of the server is just $9.49 though.

    But I could probably get it back up. I'm a bit low on money at the moment though (heh being a student) so if anyone wanted to donate or pay it for a month or whatever then let me know.
  3. You can also do that with the scripts already installed on the server

    I bet if blud asked alpha networks they would say they are running mod manager + AD Framework admin scripts. All you need to do is edit the settings file of the admin script config file and add players hashes with the permission of '1' which grants them moderator status. This file can be configured to select what powers the moderators actually have. May allow them to kick, warn change maps but not ban or any of the other features.
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