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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

=VG= Solar

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= Solar

  1. Anyone here play Sanctum? It was a game developed by students using the UDK (free/student version of unreal engine 3) for unreals competition.

    Turns out it got a bit of hype and people seem to like it so they got a license for UE3 and developed a commercial version and its up on steam for ?9.99. Its a tower defence FPS.. Its pretty fun and the commercial version features coop (2 player atm, 4 player support being added)

    Just figured it might be something you could be interested in, pretty fun, pretty cheap. Haven't tried coop yet so if anyone has it or gets it be sure to let me know :D

    Arch linux (Y)..

    Anyway, torrent a windows disc, burn it and reformat and reinstall os.

    If your buying a new pc then cool I guess. But you can still format your other laptop with windows or linux. I dont like unity desktop on ubuntu so I'd give bodhi linux a try.


    Heres some bodhi linux screenshots:


    And default theme: http://s.altrn.tv/s/61ef97db-f03c-e011-8d53-0200d897d049_2_full.png

    or mint.


    Heres mint default desktop

  3. Hey Jarz,

    You usually wont be sponsored for VG membership until all of the conditions of being eligible are met.

    1. Registered user with our site.
    2. Understands SOP's.
    3. We have all met this person and know them by name.
    4. Active participant in the Forums, contributes what they can for the betterment of the Clan.
    5. Mature and Responsible.
    6. Over 18 years old! (Flexible)
    7. Uses voice communications with us on a regular basis.
    8. MUST HAVE: XFire and Teamspeak 3 at a minimum.

  4. I've never dual booted two windows operating systems only windows and linux or two linux operating systems.

    It should be a simple case of fitting the new drive you ordered, inserting the XP disc and loading from the disc, it will detect all your hard drives, pick a drive, partition it (creating a single partition for everything should suffice) and hit next to have the installer format that drive, partition it like u wanted and install XP there. You might need a bootloader to be able to select which operating system/hard drive you want to boot from. Not sure if windows comes with one, I know linux installs use GRUB as default(GRand Unified Bootloader). Basically when I turn on my pc I get a list of different operating systems I want to use whether it be linux or windows.
  5. Wouldn't hurt to have them handy. If you don't have them and install the worst that can happen is the XP partition wont boot and you can simply return to win7, download your drivers from manufacturers website, put them on a disc or usb pen and your cooking with gas!
  6. Hey guys, I posted in the chat box and on facebook that I ordered a new gaming system to replace my old pc. Had this thing for over 6 years. It runs DDR1 RAM - 2GB, intel core2duo processor at 1.86ghz and 160GB IDE Drive. I dont even want to know the front side bus speed of the motherboard...

    BUT my new pc wont arrive until around the 23rd of may. Just gunna have to man it up until then. Then I should be able to run arma2, pr and just about anything else on high settings just fine!

    Just a sort of update on whats happening with it. As soon as its here I'm getting it pr and arma ready.

    Just a matter of time...
  7. Hey guys, try this.

    Delete your shortcut. Then on your pc find your bf2 installation. Go into it and go into mods folder. Go into pr folder. You should see pr.exe. You can start the game from there.

    If you right click you should be able to see create shortcut for this program. Create one and put it on your desktop and try launching from that.

    Can also try right click and run as admin. I had similar problem until I ran it as an admin once and then I can just run it normally now with no problems.. Not sure what causes it tbh.
  8. BF3 is essentially project reality. I think EA's been looking at how well PR has done and decided to base their game on that.

    Cuz it basicly looks like PR with far far better GFX. Good thing is, its not out till after summer, which means I can work during summer to save up for a kick ass pc and build one. :D
  9. Hmmm this is weird. I can't even think about how'd to go about trouble shooting it.

    It must be a conflict between FF and TS3 as it works with the likes of bf2 etc. I also run windows XP and it worked fine with FF and teamspeak 3.

    I guess I'll look into it for you and see if anything stands out. You could try it with maybe falcon allied force, or a better idea would possibly be to install FF and teamspeak 3 on a different pc and use your mic and see if it works.

    Sometimes weird unexplainable things happen like this, and the best way is re-installing and stuff.
  10. Hey fellas,

    Blud recently moved the site from shared hosting to vps hosting and in between something went wrong with bind configuration. Bind is the dns software we run, basicly dns software allows domain names like veterans-gaming.com to resolve to the ip address that the site is hosted on. If it does not work, the server appears to be down, when in actual fact the server is running fine.

    I logged into the server today and manually edited the configuration files and corrected some nameserver entries and ip entries, saved the file and restarted bind. Several minutes later the site resolved to the correct ip address and people were able to browse the website.

    Sorry for the downtime, we hope to contiune normal service from here on out.

  11. Think you guys might be under estimating the skill required to pull this off.

    Look at the PR developers, some are actual programmers for their careers, they have massive donations to help out. They have a TON of extremely skilled programmers/coders, mappers, designers, testers and they struggle to keep bugs to a minimum etc.

    Editing a few values in a settings file ans over writing is one thing. Creating a whole new mod with new vehicles, altering the AI and making changes that some of you mentioned is incredibly difficult lol...

    If you want an idea for how hard you could mail a PR dev.

    Also, we have NO programmers except me. I'm the only one that knows how to code and even at that, I've only dabbled with python. I don't know it to write comfortably.
  12. I'm with the idea of community events. I also like PITNs idea of training.

    I think training would be a definite good thing. Custom maps for inf training (theres some on realitymod forums). People can practice with other things like flying etc. Would be good.

    The only thing about the community events that I dont really like is its against bots. I know we are mainly a coop gaming clan and thats sorta where we focus but locking down the server for a while to only let some players in to play against bots. I dunno, I like the idea, just needs a little tweaking. Anyone else got any input on this?

    What about a similar community event we could host on the vehicle warfare server? Like ALLL of VG admin, WCC and the rest all join warfare server once per month or something for like a massive epic game of vehicle warfare? Let it run for like 2 hours or something. One map per month or something I dunno.
  13. We are moving from our current server we host the site on to another. We are moving from dedicated to shared hosting. This should hopefully speed the site up at the same time doing so at a much cheaper cost.

    If is it not faster, we need to look at moving to joomla and getting rid of not necessary plugins because thats whats bogging it down. Plugins from 3rd party companies which is loading slow, causing our overall site to load slow. The forums are usually quicker because as you can see it does not list the plugins on the right side >>>>>> making it much faster.

    Since its shared hosting we cannot host teamspeak on the new hosting. The teamspeak will be getting moved to the windows dedicated server that we run the gameservers on.

    You will then be able to connect to teamspeak using ts3.veterans-gaming.com or by using the IP address. Connecting via veterans-gaming.com (the current and old way) will not be possible.

    This entire process should be fairly quick and there is no expected downtime. There will be a small amount for teamspeak when we move over to windows server as it needs to be stopped on the current server and started on the new one. The details to connect will also be different. There is no way to avoid this.

    It should be done in a day or so.

  14. From the youtube video desc:

    "Marines took small arms fire and RPG fire from mutiple levels and windows from this hotel. After two HELL FIRE missiles from an Apache the Marines pulled back and called in air support to demolish the hotel. Two Marine Hornets answered the call with a 2,000lb bomb. Unknown amount of insurgents killed, could not find any bodies due to the aftermath. The hotel has been vacant and off limits since 2004. No innocent people were killed during this bombing."

  15. This is why I switched to linux as my primary operating system.

    None of this retarded Microsoft nonsense. Don't have to worry about having an anti virus because there no real virus threat on linux. Has built in ip tables (basicly a firewall) and you can enable a simple firewall incase you feel paranoid. Uses less resources, therefore its faster.. It just beats windows in every way.

    However because people contiune to use windows, for reasons I don't understand, and it has the most market share then developers mostly target windows operating systems for developing games and such instead of linux.

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