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Posts posted by Carkidd

  1. Fools road Large- No spawns at the actual bluefor main, and as a complaint, a severe lack of infantry transport. You've got the two warriors that only carry 6, two panthers that only carry 4, and one transport land-rover that carries 8, it sucks.

    Bamyan Alt: Unplayable, bluefor tickets bleed INCREDIBLY quickly when the city flag is capped.


    As an addition, if anyone's forgetting the exact layer they have in mind, you can use this to check them all out including the COOP ones.



  2. 12 hours ago, Johnny__Rico said:

    On one hand I really like CAS being targeted more, resulting in more challenging situations for INF, which is just what we want.

    On the other hand I really enjoy being shot at as INF with an RPG.

    Tough call.

    I think the bots still shoot RPGs at choppers, unless that was removed in the last update.

    And yeah, it's a ton of fun to get RPGs shot at your positions, hearing everyone screaming and shit. Local voice chat is such a great feature!

  3. I would like to say the biggest issue right now is bots being stuck or walking between caps/their main/wherever being avoided by attacking infantry and leading to an easy cap. Too many maps have you rushing the first few flags in a few minutes, leading to predictable fights on the last couple, or even no fights when the bots are in the map elsewhere. I would say that anything that keeps the bots more in the area around the caps and inside the cap zone itself should be explored.

    An 'attack-counterattack' sort of system would arise- you first penetrate into the objective, killing the bots inside, then when you cap, all of the bots in the area turn on the cap, leading to you needing to defend it until you kill the ones surrounding and only need to deal with the ones attacking from the direction of the next cap.

    I would take great interest in something that makes sure that a good amount of bots spawn on the first flags in the map as well. That always leads to fun 'ambush' situations where people saunter in with vehicles and shit and get lit up by 20 or so bots at once and either scramble to cover and survive or then need to respawn and think for a second when then attack next.

  4. 2 hours ago, =VG= 22..12 said:

    nvm is bug u see on the hmv icon 3 seats but they 5 and im havin problem to upload the pic try 2 fix that


    No, this is intentional. The only seats shown are the 'crewmember' seats, being the driver/pilot, codriver/copilot/commander, and any gunner.

    • Upvote 2
  5. The issue with Kashan I attribute to our tanks not being on the ball that round- we got bogged down outside the airfield and stuck in a cycle of tanks having to drive 20 minutes to rearm so we never had them concentrated for a push.

    I wish there was some sort of way to rearm vehicles in the field- maybe a special crate, or give the combat engineer a special bag that can do it. Would give logi squads and combat engineers some more use. It would have to be slow or otherwise balanced in use of crates, but it would really help in those large maps.


  6. A very interesting map mechanic I'm seeing now is bot rally points spread around the map, which continue to spawn even when the flag is captured, but are able to be destroyed by gunfire. I think this is a fantastic mechanic, which should be utilized in maps more. What map makers should do is place these well outside flags, in other directions than the bots normally come from. This requires squads to search for and destroy the rally point before they can call an area safe, and let the map makers lead people into fights not in the same places as always, without having to put a flag or a permaspawn there. I really think this should be used more often, and in place of any backcap permaspawns.  

    • Like 1
  7. @Johnny__Rico Don't get me wrong, I love the tough maps, but it can be a thin line between a tough map and a total rape of even an experienced 40 person server. A good example of what I would like to see more of is found on barracuda- Normally, to end the map, a squad simply flies to the bunker entracnce of the final point and runs right in without much of a fight. This update has added a quad gun to the roof of that bunker making such a strat suicide without dealing with it. This is a simple change, that's worked around in multiple ways (blow up the quad with cas, mortar it, land elsewhere and walk in, etc) that forces you to change your tactics and use new parts of the map (what we really want with coop!) without just giving the bots a ton of armor, and  is what should be focused on with improving coop gameplay.

    Shahada does this as well with smart placement of tow and AA on roofs resulting in tanks and CAS never having free reign in the town, and it's large amounts of enemy armor are much more easily dealt with due to the city allowing you to flank.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 1 hour ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Yes, we are quite aware of this issue.  Many design elements of this type were made by a person who considers COOP "too easy" despite the extremely subjective nature of such opinions, a player who plays COOP "good" by knowing all of the meta information most players don't focus on such as specific parameters of AI Bot behavior and spawning locations, and other factors that essentially remove any sort of mystery or immersion into a game focusing instead upon knowledge of exactly how the OPFOR will advance and behave.

    There were even votes and polls regarding these hardcore changes to a large body of regular COOP players who frequent this website years ago, and they were voted down and many objections were noted.  Despite this, we now find the COOP game mode severely weighted to spite the players, in an extreme hardcore re-envisioning of this game mode that the majority of COOP players had not asked for.  Most importantly, these changes were not tested with a large body of COOP players for balance and playablity, which is a massive oversight of their designer, to the detriment of you, the players.  I only offer these opinions and criticism with a constructive intent, I hope that in time, the COOP game mode can return to a balanced game that is enjoyable with a few small teams or a large server full of players equally, with map layers that respect these numbers in a more tested and favorable manner for the players who actually play the game as it was intended.


    I think it's a good start- these hard maps, like Shahada, are fun, but in Shadada it's hard because of well placed TOWs that prevent armor from having free reign and not armor that simply outnumbers you. If Bamyan had two or three tanks I think it would remain a tough map but not the utter stomp it currently is.

    • Upvote 2
  9. As Kiddcar had discovered, hand grenade smoke thrown in water does CTD anyone nearby, but grenade launcher smoke does not. We presume this is caused by the collider generated to block bot view, but does this mean that gernade launcher smoke does not work on bots as well?


    Looking through the files, UBGL smoke IS intended to work on bots, and is supposed spawn the same objects that hand grenade smoke does, even for the french riflegernades.  Unknown why it didn't cause a CTD, as the kits are set up to use the proper SP smoke. Might not be spawning the collider properly.


    The French Medics don't have smoke grenades while their deployment counterparts and all other medics do.

    • Upvote 1
  10. On 4/30/2020 at 11:10 AM, Double_13 said:

    As I am currently maintaining coop please report all the In-game bugs as detailed as possible (screenshots and layer). From spawnpoints that cause deadspawn to no endround bleeding flags, the more the better.

    As for coop ww2. Due to unresolved issues I was not able to upload these, I hope the issues can be resolved soon so that the maps can be added to an official update. 

    for now you have to enjoy the nearly 50 fixed layers and new layers such as jabal 128 ( enjoy finding the forklift) 


    Known fixed issues
    Koz alt bmp1 respawn times (pushed for next update)


    Saareema (ru-carrier broken)

    Beirut (ru carrier broken)

    Vadso (carrier broken)


    Fixed, huh?

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Nexwiiz said:

    major server ctd for coop pr 1.6.2 (on coop khami)

    Rokk, Skirmisher and me can confirm- we were getting constant CTDs on khami every 10 minutes or so in tank squad. I had also gotten one on an earlier map. No error log or message- just dropped to desktop. I had also gotten a similar CTD on Qwai River the round before.

    • Upvote 3
  12. Good to hear that the 1.6 update is still coming!

    On 1/16/2020 at 8:44 PM, =VG= TEDF said:

    Could put up another small event for the one of the coming weekends if people are interested.


    Definitely up for that! Something to break up the monotony of everyone knowing these maps like the back of their hand is always nice.

    Never understood why some people hate them. OPFOR puts everyone in brand new situations and makes you actually think about your attacks instead of running through the maps the exact same as we always do, and it's always fun when you're an 'insurgent' faction and everyone gets really silly with it, charging in big mobs and yelling like idiots. Fun to use the Milita, Rebel, and Insurgent kits we normally never touch too.

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