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Posts posted by Carkidd

  1. 13 hours ago, =VG= keed said:

    Blocking and camping main is already kickable afaik. But breaking? Hard to judge imo. Is killing the fortress Igla considered breaking? Or Burning Sands being on the bridge in the chally and waiting for the armoured convoy? 

    I find that it's the people in charge of kicking for this doing the camping themselves!

    Everyone does to, because nobody really enforces the things double talks about.

  2. I remember an active and unmolested Frogfoot being a death sentence for any blufor ground assets. Is that still not the case?

    And, yeah, I find that there are sometimes bot vehicles entirely missing their gunners, and their SPAAG's being much less of a threat before

    I feel like maps that are close quarters, or wooded really increases the difficultly. My dream is to set up a sort of dense city or bunker system that you need to clear of the enemy. There are lots of destroyable structures that don't see enough use in this game!

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  3. Question: Will the Russians be fielding PT-76 tanks on the first map? It is what they would realistically field in an amphibious assault like this, and the tanks are already in the game. 

    EDIT: Nevermind, they are all retired by now. Amphibious tanks would still be cool to fight.

    They do have the ability to land tanks via LCAC, though...

  4. This is strange. I'm having trouble connecting or even seeing ANY VG servers, including TS and PR. The PR server doesn't even show up in the server browser! It's like my PC or network is blocking all VG connections. Can anyone help?



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