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Posts posted by Carkidd

  1. 1 minute ago, FatAlbert said:

    I was asked to join Kavelenko's squad.


    I installed the maps, I can load them in local.  

    When I try to play the map (road to Tampa), I can't spawn anywhere as the insurgent.  

    Afraid that I might not be able to get into the game.  What am I doing wrong?

    They have intentionally disabled single player spawns so we cant check the maps out beforehand.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Here's an idea: small scale operations.

    Imagine this: there is an HVT in a compound on a map. The rest of the map is clear, but the compound has all 40 bots, and all sorts of defenses. We have to assualt the compound, positively ID the target, and get out. 

    We could have someone on play the role of the target on OPFOR, and have all sorts of briefings and tactical stuff.

    Real delta force stuff, to now?

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