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Everything posted by Minrah

  1. found it, in the link below is what i saw that I thought i was good to go on connecting to the server. https://veterans-gaming.com/falcon-bms-434/
  2. just took a screen shot of this, this morning. I never seen Russia fly over before, never even noticed the Russian base up east as well.
  3. unless it was just changed as i dont see the posting for it anymore, it was listed for 4.35 build 22546 and I couldnt connect, i checked out the BMS forums to see if any new update was available and it was so, got the 4.35 U1 and now I can connect but unable to commit to connecting to the online campaign, the area where VG server is listed under the online Campaign flickers on and off, both for online and offline campaign, so im not sure if its just me and something on my end or if its a known bug. I made another posting about it if you want to check it out. and yeah good to be back flying again
  4. with online and offline the campaign selection blinks like its on and off while im online or offline and I can not enter the online server, ive tired uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck anyone else having the same issues?
  5. got connected, just needed to update.
  6. 4.35 build 22546 is what I currently have as to what the forums say I should have to join the server. hope I didnt miss anything.
  7. It connected, tired joining the main campaign and couldnt touch the launch button. After so I disconnected and restarted the game and will not connect now =/. I know maintenance is tomorrow. I guess ill wait for that to finish then try again.
  8. I just downloaded a clean install and I do have U3 updated. bandwith set to 300 and IP not sure why its not connecting, server down?
  9. was alot of fun leading that flight. was nuts that we took out that many, what a fight
  10. been having issues with calls and sometimes calls get mixed up ill call for target and say its a bogey then go to friendly
  11. in my IVC folder i only see the icon for the client and the .exe for the server, not sure where to go to "run" the IVC client side of the chat for admin I got Drive:\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Bin\x86\IVC for the location of the IVC but cant find that client side to run
  12. not sure if anyone else is having this issue but my IVC chat will no longer work while i load BMS and connect to the server. the IVC client doesnt start up when i connect to the server =/ I do have the correct IP address and the options selected. Has anyone else had this problem?
  13. hey Sem, Derk and I can join the server but as soon as we try to load the campaign it gets almost done then BMS stops working. not 100% if its the server or not
  14. ive notice that once ive made a flight for the F18/E there are no TGP for it (AN/ASQ-228) i think thats what that is. it shows up red for no availability
  15. I dont have any objections to it being restarted over to day 1, tho if it continues to crash would you be able to put it back to where it was?
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