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=VG= Airbats801

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Airbats801

  1. yeah leave it out, too much clutter ruins the site anyhow
  2. My latest build is a amd setup as I got it dirt cheap, an intel cpu is faster core pe core, but eh, whatever. Running a fx8350 with 8g of ram. a used gtx 770 fancy version, and a 750w power supply along with a samsung 840 evo 128gb ssd It plays everything I want excellent. What kind of gaming do you want, multi monitor 4k, or say 1 monitor lower res? That will determines how much cash you need to toss at your system
  3. welcome to the club, neither can i, but from the front page. I could host a phpbb server on my home webserver, but it wouldnt be this fancy.
  4. Been on ts mostly over the long years and met many good friends like alan bob grahm dave dilli etc.. You won't find a better bunch of guys than here on vg imo. Main reaason I have contributed and keep coming back!
  5. When there is only one player on the fh2 server and a bot, you cant change map. It would be nice if it is possible to allow a single player if no other live players are on to change map to whatever they like. It really sucks when you get stuck on point de hoc and there are 1300 tickets. Speaking of that map, is there any way to lower the ticket count? Tha is a good map, but it should only have a 300 or so ticket count max. On the bright side,m the reason I joined was because point de hoc came up and I didnt want to even bother playing it alone. Freaken pointless. Thanks for looking, Shaun
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