Saw you on server yesterday so you must have things about right. This page needs updating but is close enough still.
Seems very straight forward since 4.33 can remain. Nothing needs to be done with that. 433 and 434 can be chosen to run as required. Small think but the variety of KF-16 seems reduced to just 1.
Cobbled together a modified campaign based on the old one. Not the final.
Default 4.34 Rolling fire is now running. 120TH set non HQ Also 35th & 80th at Kunsan, 36th Osan.
This is just temporary but with the inevitable 4.34 visitors connecting its better to have something.
Discussions will be had with the intent of re instating the customized Rolling fire or perhaps one of the new KTO campaigns.
There will be server downtime but ought to be brief.
If several attempts (in succession) do not result in connection you can be reasonably sure the server has crashed which is the case when you had the failure. Its back now. Thanks
Go into bms setup graphics and make sure the correct vido gpu is selected. Could be set to a mobo gpu. Turning off cockpit shadows is good place to start increasing fps.
So you have tried the deleting dx9.dsp thing and set display format as appropriate for normal screen ? Does it still load/run if you do not activate external displays ?
It takes maybe 10 mins to install fresh so if all else fails that is probably the way forward.
Veterans-Gaming very own KTO campaign server has Harrier available to frag out of Osan AB. Other than that as Semler advised create a TE and assign Harrier or Viggen to AB of your choosing. Alternative Theaters will have differing default aircraft in their campaigns.
Its possible to fly with a KB or a console game controller but think it would be torture. $20 would get a modest 2nd hand hotas on ebay and dare I say would be worth saving for whilst studying the significant manuals and watching recent (4.33 versions) youtube training related videos. When finances allow then an external usb keypad would make a good addition to your laptop.
Does anybody understand this ? I sure do not. So can you or can you not ?
The router displays only a single ip to the net/world and falcon online multiplayer needs a unique ip per connection (I thought all game servers did) so how can 2 or more players using the same router join the server ? My world is turned upside down.
Anyone confirmed 2 or more players on bms server through 1 router ? Would be useful to view 2D map on my 2nd pc whilst in 3D on 1st.
Qualified IT guys please explain.
I think maybe I misread original question. Never was intention to meet together online at vg server ?