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=VG= keed

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv3
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Blog Comments posted by =VG= keed

  1. How about ARMA3/2? These games are prob. the most fitting for larger clan wide sessions. We have the resources and awesome members with the necessary knowledge. We can start with PatrolOps-like missions to strengthen the cohesion/level the skill-gaps and then jump into some real tactical missions.  Also a weekly non-binding meeting would be awesome to discuss random topics or just have a good banter. I always hear about VG's past Arma/Pr sessions and stuff but never saw them in action... 

    @OniBlood: If you want quality teamwork it really depends on the time/-zone. At euro-prime (07:00PM UTC+1) on monday to thursday you will find the regulars in the Coop server. If you want to do some sweet Deployment, hit me up! Me, TEDF and Sydney (haha 5:1) are the most active Deployment players AND we are looking for a forth guy because two man vehicles are a thing and that one guy who gets left over has to do recon....... (:crigon_03:). After playing with people who share the same mindset I rarely see myself going blind with random players. Always good to have people you can rely on! Reduces the grey-hairs...

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