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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Hi guys,

    I pre-ordered star wars battlefront II and got access to the early beta and its kinda fun. If anyone else has it add me on Origin username is the same BLuDKLoT and maybe we can get a few games in. The gfx are amazing! The dogfights take some getting used to, but it's really been fun so far, I've been doing more of the ground n pound and loving it. Lemme know if anyone has it or plans to get it. Blud

    • Upvote 3
  2. well bro if he has a famiy and people that care about him then they should be doing something. Maybe there us a military recruiting office or military outpost that you can contact see if they have any programs or ideas. But it is hard to get someone help when they aren't interested in getting any help themselves. JThis a hard one to answer bro, but I think that it's admirable you're a caring guy like that. Maybe if you just confront him about his drinking and show him what you're seeing he might get another perspective. Keep me updated. 

    • Upvote 6
  3. 10 hours ago, Double_13 said:

    Well Tedf has it setup in a sort of campaign mode with a story line. Due to this we might have a few maps that are played the other way around. Bluefor starts at the Opfor side due to its been [classified information] And the crippled forces are trying to launch a counter attack.

    Further there is also been progress on the standerd maps were we will just fight bots. The main goal at the moment is to get a few maps to work rather then bothering about layers, this due to the navmesh adjustments we have to make in order to get a different cap order/locations. 


    After some tests yesterday we have 2 more maps that are worked on

    Delian Plant

    Dragon Valley

    However so far its only concluded that they loadup and run with all the BF2 entities removed. However there is still plenty of work to be done pending the placement of all the PR objects.

    I think I just came a little bit

    10 hours ago, Double_13 said:




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