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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. I dont see many ppl calling for APC rides, it's usually choppers. But the rules need to be updated to list transportation as a secondary role, or SOP for people in light armor like LAV squads, they must also serve as transport for ground troops, provide cover when requested, etc..It's what the thing is made for anyway.  

  2. I need more flight time to determine exactly what isn't right. Things seem ok but I must fly more to be sure. What is the kep command to get the cursor to go from the left to the right MFD? Not the MFD swap, but just swapping the cursor from mfd to mfd, I forgot the key commands....anyone? 

  3. Sup all,

    I've been trying to get back into BMS but my profile isn't working since I moved from 4.32 to 4.33

    I was using gunslingers X52 multi profile but now none of the buttons work, or they do different things. I used to be able to slew my cursor with that little hard nipple thing on my throttle, but now it doen't slew anything. I'm bummed out!  I was never very good at mapping this stuff anyway lol. 

    Does anyone have a solution for this, or maybe have a different profile I can try before I start testing others out one by one?


  4. I like what FJ says though because those assets are for mech infantry not for doing assaults, they can be used both ways I guess but it be cool to have a amtrack assigned to my squad like in real life would be fun I think but they always running off to go kill everything lol 

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