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=VG= Dilligaf

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Dilligaf

  1. Yeah it will be great when its released, FO3 has good realism mods and stuff for it. I would have put a forum post up when i first saw it months ago, but i wasn't sure if it was gonna flop into the unfinished, unloved bin like so many other coop mods had that i looked at like crysis coop. But i'm gonna have to get Skyrim sometime, had oblivion untill my GF decided that she wanted to try it when i was at work and i still haven't got it back... that was nearly 2 years ago, i think she forgot about it now lol
  2. I've had my eye on this for about 6 months now, it does look great, but it is slow in development, as it seems recycler is the only one working on it between work and uni (school). I tried the Rev 147 at the start of the year with Fallout 3 and it is good and does work, but is a bit buggy, just been waiting for this next update, and the way recycler is doing it it should work on ES:Oblivion and Skyrim, and FO:3 and NV. https://github.com/Recycler1993/Vault-Tec-Multiplayer-Mod/issues?milestone=1 Those are the issues left before an update is released, 'sigh' i want it now.
  3. 260-280 give or take 10-15, but that is bearable compared to the 350-400 in Euro atm, but as you said we have to consider a fair middle for both sides of the globe, i always thought Around the East Coast of US would give a pretty even fair playable'ish ping for all round
  4. Temporary TeamSpeak Server if anyone is interested. will leave my system on until the VG TS gets sorted, i have a dynamic ip so it will change if router gets reset but thats unlikely to happen, if it does i will update the ip here.
  5. DILLIGAF2011 I managed to get mine changed when i realised that it used the EA Master account name with Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, took a few back and forth emails with an EA Rep, but they changed it for me, i can't remember the forum that i got the guys name of though sorry
  6. Whoop Whoop, Finally back online, after kicking the dog, patting the rabbit, stroking the cat and...... well i better not add what happened to the missus i'm finally back online after a bit of screwing around, can't wait to get back into some games
  7. Hey guys, looks like i'm not gonna be online for a week or 2, sick of having problems with my current ISP so telling them to get fucked and swapping to a different ISP, long story short, been having problems with drop outs and speed, $230 later to shut them up with every call repeating there shit, realised after 2 days its at the exchange, for them to realise 5 days after i started telling them that for them to try and get a tech to go and look, the reply 24 hours later form them was this is apparently a small rural town (which it isn't) and can't get a tech here..... yet they own half the bloody ports so my money is going elsewhere. And Kiwi, i am/was close to torching the exchange so someone HAD to fix them all
  8. I have found for some reason on my system the game won't start PunkBuster B for me no mater how many times i re-installed it, so what i have to do is go into Services locate PnkBstrB, and manually start it there before i start the game, haven't had any problems doing that, but it will tell you that punkbuster has kicked you for no heartbeats from B
  9. Voted 2, but i agree with Deep, 5 isn't without its charm
  10. i'll be in, ya just gotta pm me a time and date what not in a timezone so i can work out if i'll be at work or not and let ya know, but i have both ARMA 2 and OA installed
  11. Yeah i tried it a while back, not a bad mod, but i had the same thing, not many servers at all, and not many maps at all, but it is still a good game
  12. I Wonder if this guy will let me have it for the stickered price on the box, not the Listing price he got it at.
  13. damn, bust out the spitfire gas heaters and break her free
  14. Damn i wish i had a view like that from my backyard
  15. Yeah i play it but only on PC, not a big fan of X-box myself though, i stick with PC and PS3 (mainly PC) one thing made from microsoft to stuff up is enough for me lol.
  16. Nice setup, i personally would go/have gone the 890FX chipset instead of the 890GX and look at a price of a sata 3 hdd 6GB/s, i don't think there much more expensive then a sata 2 here, and if you can spare the little extra cash i would recommend a 700-750W Thermaltake PSU. Thats just my 2 cents. My current system is a Asus Crosshair Formula 4, AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor overclocked from 3.2 to 3.6Ghz and XFX ATI Radeon HD 5970 Black Edition, it in my xfire profile aswell
  17. Is it as Glitchy in the gameplay as ARMA 2? that will be my decider on buying it, i have ARMA2 just not OA yet.
  18. I think that Kim Jong-un Kid might want a Korean War for Christmas... But either way the tension is getting higher over there
  19. I agree With Blud, go amd/ati Graphics, i was hardcore nvidia but they started to give me the shits recently and i got the XFX 5970 BE a couple of months ago for my new system, couldn't be happier. Since amd took them over they have improved a heap
  20. Damn, i also had a chair go out like that, sad thing is i DID make it, lol had a buggered com chair and a good car seat laying around..... but the wall met me half way to the floor. Fixed it but have since bought a proper chair. Hope ya Backs better Blud
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