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Everything posted by SirenPeeps

  1. G'day! I'm sirenpeeps, I play pr most of the time in VG server. I like to fly them helis and avoid planes (their air fields are too hard for me to land on), I like to teach new players exactly like how sphee taught me. I'm mostly shites and giggles, I don't take things seriously most of the time and I just want others around me to have a fun time. I hate the trollers and rule breakers, put their bums in PR jail smoke them until their pc explodes!!
  2. I'd like to apply for moderator or administrator for the server, I've know alot and I'm very active on it. Most of the time this is where I play and I've just noticed that there's not aton of admins in the server and everyone just starts doing whatever they want. It ruins the experiences of other members and I do my best to help others out especially when they're victim to these trolls, I also help out new players if they want to know about rules or how the game goes. I promise that I will be a good asset to the server and I wont let your expectations down.
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