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About theday728

  • Birthday 06/26/1994

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Private First Class

Private First Class (2/18)



  1. i've voted for BF3 , but i still think that some of us aren't able to play it , so it's better to stay with something everyone got used to and PR is the best choise , bcuz it lets us to have some great teamplay gaming nights ^^
  2. sir, yes, sir , reged and voted VG's THE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST ^^
  3. i'll probably have a spare early beta acess code or two of them , if someone wants i'll give you them :)
  4. my vote goes to #2 , i also like #4 but it don't have enough in it so , #2 seems to be brighter ^^
  5. omg, i've found BMP-3 drifting xD (with music) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuEutc50aOc
  6. lol , nice vid Lopanski :D , i have to find some russians doing that too xD
  7. awesome new design , great job (Blud) not laggy and dark blue calms me down ^^
  8. even if i haven't played PR for a while , i'd better switch to deployment , COOP is getting boring + crap support . and i think with our rules we'll get deployment server populated pretty fast. Also we can make and advertisement on website that we've switched to deployment and all the regulars will come with us ^^
  9. nice pics man , Canada is so beautiful ^^
  10. my thoughts: move somewhere where this bill won't work on you
  11. what time for GMT+3 ? have some differences with Europe ^^
  12. why not. It'll remind me the old days , lolz i'm in
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