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=VG= 1Sg.Morrison

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 1Sg.Morrison

  1. It is a DayZ Minecraft mix There are bugs and there will be bugs allways i guess. But i love the Game and its fun to play I startet in Alpha 6 with Oni a few years ago when it was look like Minecraft. They change a lot since then and all changes are really good.
  2. Hello my friends from Veterans Gaming. Its a long long time ago i post something. I was busy fighting WW2 with Hans and Ace as a Company of Heroes Now that 7 Days to Die is Alpha 17 and got a lot of new Stuff including Cars and Bikes i rent a Server wit some friends and play it again. I called the Server Veterans-Gaming and its Password protected. If some of you guys wanna join and play with us you are very Welcome to play with us. We play as Team, means no stealing ore killing. PVE only. You can go alone ore with us. I got 10 Slots and so far wwe are only 3 people. Add me on Steam and ask for the PW. Steam Name is 1Sg.Morrison and i got the Dixie flag as pictures. I would like to see some of you guys, main language is German but we can speak english as well if you join.
  3. Oh i was Talking abour EU Server.... if anybody wanna play as Team just contakt me on Steam, 1Sg.Morrison (Picture: Old Dixi Flag)
  4. Hey, long time ago i was here....you guys still playing WoW ? There is this new Clan thing on WoW and i would like to join a VG Team. So my question is... are you still playing, is anyone else playing, is someone up to make a Clan in WoW ? I would like to join. Would do it myselfe but dont have time to take care of it.
  5. Most Server are not on Alpha 14.2 now, maybe we have to wait a bit....
  6. Game got a big Update to Alpha 14 now ...see you next Week guys.
  7. Hello =VG= Community Maybe some of you play 7 Days to Die, its a Day Z - Minecraft mix game.... For all of you who wanna fight and build with me and others from VG we should play on the same Server. I prefer to play on a PVE Server, and use the *PVE Endzeit Architekten GER* Server If you wanna join me i am most time around in the morning (german time) because i work in Shift now. We have a 7 Days area on TS and i would like to see some of you there ! Stay together and you will Survive !
  8. Hey guys, Building cheat is on again, and Zombies are off... have fun on Building !
  9. Ok guys, Building cheat is off and Zombies are on. Good luck and have fun !
  10. Server is on Alpha 6.1b now ! Our Building are still there, dont worry ! Only 2 More days, and the Zombies are comming back !!!
  11. Yea, i would like to see more people in the Game, Lamrock build an awsome "MAYA" Temple... ore something like that... its cool to build on the desert canyons and mountains....
  12. NEWS ! Howdy Surviver.... On Feb. 2 we will turn off the "building cheat" (press Z in the Game and you know what i mean) and we will turn on the Zombies ! So build your base, storage whatever you need and get ready for the Zombie Apocalypse ! FYI: If you storage AMMO, use 9mm, 10mm Bullets ore 7,62 Bullets... dont know why but Magazines dont work in Weapons !
  13. Server runs on 6.1 now, Server name: VG Coop - Password: vg
  14. @ Oni, you should show some of your pictures, from the stuff we build ...
  15. Ohhhh i dont find the Server ...is it gone ??? NOOOOOOO
  16. Hey guys, just for all who want a friend of mine and me we start to play Wasteland for Arma 2 Its not a mod, just look for a Arma 2 Wasteland Server and your system will download the files. So if you miss the good old Day Z days, feel free to join us ! @ Fastjack - Clippy - Animalmother - Speirs ... i would like to see you guys... and of curse anybody else ! Right now we play on the "CCG Chernarus 2" Wasteland Sever
  17. Since i downloadet 1.0 yesterday i will play PR a bit more. I like the idea to have a OPFOR event day... but i am not in charge of the Server... and letz see what other gamers thing about it.
  18. Shit, i would like to join but i have no internet at my new home .... i dont know how long the company need..... ahhhh that sucks, no games for the next time
  19. Hey guys, just tell me what you thing about my Hompage.... I love to take pictures and play with Photoshop a little bit ALL Pictures on the side are made by me, tell me what you like ! most of the side is in english.... http://morrisonpictures.npage.de/
  20. http://www.eodmod.org/ 1. EoD 2.0 Client EXE Game Installer 2. EoD 2.0 Client Levels Installer 3. EoD 2.0 Hotfix How to "install" the Hotfix (Download the file attached at the link that follows these instructions. Save it to a known location upon your computer. Once downloaded. Navigate to your BF2 Mod Folder, specifically, your EoD Mod folder. Typically, you can find it here: C:Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield 2/Mods/EoD (Replace the "C" with the default drive letter of where you have your game installed.) Once you are at your EoD Mod folder. Go into the EoD Mod folder and find the "Objects" folder. Inside the Objects folder you will see the "weapons_server.zip" Delete this zip file and/or rename it to another name. Copy, Drag/Drop the downloaded new zip file you just got into the Objects folder. (If you did not delete or rename the current zip file. Windows will ask you if you want to replace the current file. Answer yes, but it is best to delete or remove the current file.) Once this has been done.. Come join a server! Good luck ! Hope it works now for you, join our Server, i am not sure but heard, that there are problems on Single player...maybe just rumors !crazy
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