Hey all! I'm eager to have some pseudo-regular BMS MP flights. Things have been slow on the BMS/FF front over here for the last few weeks, so i thought i'd reach out to see if there is still any interest. Because it's been a little slow here, i've been considering hooking up with a virtual fighter wing. I hesitate as i suspect i will always be somewhat of a casual pilot, and the VFW's seem pretty intense. I have always enjoyed the "generally" relaxed atmosphere here, while still maintaining a high level of skill and some humour as well. So... is there interest in some regular flights? A running campaign that someone is willing to host on their machine perhaps (not a dedi, just a series of save games)? Anyone who just wants to tag along with me and laugh as i a) forget to set master arm on; b) forget what i've bound my brakes to while landing; c) shoot you down with a heater just 'cause i got excited and you "might" be a bogey... etc. Probably a bad time to be asking considering the release of BF3 this week, but i'm anxious for some fun.