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TS3 hotkey.ini and whisper.ini


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Gents, it's been too long to recall the TS3 settings, but I still do have TS3 backup files (setup for the Hotkey's and Keybindings  as the hotkey.ini and whisper.ini files)  from back in the day.

if I remember it well, these .ini files could be overwritten in the TS3 folder and all the preprogrammed hotkeys and whisper list are there (with IVC and the Group/Client things and so on).

Though I found the TS3 folder (in the Local directory/folder) and I searched for these files I don't see them in the TS3 program/folder.

Q: Is it still possible to overwrite the back upped/preprogrammed hotkey.ini and whisper.ini in TS3? Ad if so… can you please let me know the location in  the TS3 folder?

Thank you :-) 

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TeamSpeak3 is not needed for IVC, just FYI.  IVC is a fully integrated component of Falcon BMS these days.  You don't need anything, and you don't even need to have TeamSpeak3 installed to use IVC and Falcon BMS.

But, if your looking for the folder to return your backed-up settings for TeamSpeak, iirc it's the AppData Roaming folder at:


↑ copy and paste that into windows explorer path bar

I don't have those files so I'm not sure if they go in the root, or elsewhere... Honestly, I backup my entire APPDATA folder (Local/Local Low/Roaming) regularly due to the number of programs and games that save profiles or settings there, and that's in addition to anything in the documents folders, etc.

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