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It hurts my feelings to go off-topic, but what I just witnessed hurts even more.


Yes, this is a second campaign running for about 45 minutes. We exchanged a few more lines where he insisted on having lost his internet connection several days ago before he eventually disconnected silently.
Connecting to a server takes 5 clicks: comms/online, select server, connect, OK and IVC tabs you back to the desktop in between. Why would you do all that without internet access and how can you get through all these steps successfully and still think you're offline?

When the server acts strange again, just remember Adams and all the people who don't get it despite the rules and guides available. BMS has enough problems when handled properly.

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21 minutes ago, CobaltUK said:

I doubt it is server related. Its a rare event  (for me maybe 1 or 2 times a year and always after my pc has been on for a LONG time)  and looks like maybe a memory leak taking consumed memory close to the max 4gb available to 32bit bms. Just a guess though.

I have had this message for a while, as it happens only on the VG BMS server I thought it had something to do with this server. Maybe a setting on my side?

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It looks like that is on your end.  Server is running well.  Your BMS program seems to have some sort of memory issue, and I'm not sure I've ever seen that from anyone else.  You're gonna wanna post that up on the BMS website as well, along with some system details, and any recent changes to your hardware/software on your PC.... Wish I could help ...

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Ok Day 1 restart of campaign but to a slightly more w/e pacific friendly 11:30 hrs.  Already starting to doubt my reasoning so shout if you hate.

No real proof war was over since A.i still fighting but no human flights could be fragged (bad timing errors). I saved the situation and loaded offline. As expected videos played but not one for war over. China and Russia joining in.

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Server is running, there is someone flying on it right now.  We require pilots to use the same aircraft data on our server, and you will need to disable any additional addon resources you may be using such as skins or terrain, etc.  The error joining was because of different ACDATA only.  Server is 32 bit.

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