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BMS Challenges of the week

=VG= Kavelenko

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  On 1/29/2018 at 9:39 AM, sandstorm said:

Hi. My appologies.I thought I had all of them on. I will redo the video. Should I get any indication of the hook being down as nothing comes up as i remember. I will have a look tonight.


lol, man you sure have an aversion to reading Sandstorm, I mentioned in my reply that there is four warning lights in a diamond pattern, the top three represent the landing gear and the bottom one is for the hook. Green means they're down, red means they're not. (this is the last time I'm going repeat it) :dash2:

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We used to have a medals and ribbons system on older VG website, this one doesn't have it.  I'll see about making up something official people can put in their forum signature - that's about all I could do, if people DO want to earn wings at VG again...  Former requirements were not skill trials, though, but 90 hours logged on the VG Falcon Campaign.

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  On 1/30/2018 at 4:39 PM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

We used to have a medals and ribbons system on older VG website, this one doesn't have it.  I'll see about making up something official people can put in their forum signature - that's about all I could do, if people DO want to earn wings at VG again...  Former requirements were not skill trials, though, but 90 hours logged on the VG Falcon Campaign.



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I've reviewed your videos Sandstorm, and they look very good, show great control and are within reasonable parameters now that I can see the HUD clearly.

Well done on being the first to complete ALL Challenges!!!! You have earned yourself the title of "Top Gun"!!

Congratulations that is some nice flying man. You have certainly set the standard for VTOL in the Harrier! WOW!!

I'm sure this will encourage more new pilots to try the challenge and see how much fun (or stress) BMS can be. Once again well done!:7:

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Thanks Kavelenko and really glad the effort paid off and I appreciate the help. Took a lot of hours and wife nagging me to get this done.

I hope that more people will now step up. The main things that I learned (if it helps anyone) was to be easy on the throttle (like AAR) keep you AOA at zero when ready to touch down and use the nozzle down to 80 when you need a little more speed when hovering , also with the Carrier landing keep you nozzle at 80 until the last second before you touch down. Setting nozzles to your HOTAS really helps , as in really close to your fingers.

Come on people , get hovering.


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Well its all that fine detail that helps other pilots to get better quicker.

Learning from scratch makes flying more difficult but the challenge also means you get a real sense of achievement when you crack it on your own.

Totally agree the nozzles need to be mapped to keys on your HOTAS or joystick buttons, you're adjusting throttle and trying to stay level, its next to impossible to take either hand off the stick/throttle.

I've posted a message on the BMS forums asking whether someone knows how I can map the nozzles to my second throttle control on my Warthog setup, that would be useful if it can be done.

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I fixed a major problem with my Throttle, the Custom SCurve that Morphine created puts a dead zone at 75% which causes me to lose power at the wrong time.

I've altered it so its linear and that makes the throttle more accurate, now I can decrease or raise power by 1% increments which is a helluva a lot better!

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