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Notice to Project Reality admins.

=VG= poffadder

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Please use your original account name when playing on our server. It makes it very difficult to sort out unban requests when the ban list says a player has been banned by an admin that is not on the admin list.

VG members are somewhat exempt from this because I know some of you have smurf accounts (that are pretty well known by now) for various reasons.

If you see a non VG admin playing with a new account please point them to this thread.

Some examples from my recent trip to the ban list:

If you know who these guys are, please point them to this thread.

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Tutorial commander is deadbydawn

(edited/redacted - see VG Admin Section)


are mikeZeplin

ive been using alts 100% recently, just to observe performance of new admins and keep an eye on some grunts whom ive had reports of being disruptive when admins are not around.

I will make a note that when I do make a ban on an alt I will put my vg name on the end of the ban reason.

(edit - SemlerPDX)
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  • 7 months later...

Lol, I must have missed this at the time. No, I am NOT Tutorial_Commander, but I've done my share of incoginto admining. I
havent left =]H[=, but due to certain clan rules I've basically gone rogue as far as PR is concerned. So, for at least 4+ months now i've played PR strictly as Motown only. I dont see that changing anytime soon.

In 5+ years of playin PR my alts include my original BF2 account *FNG*DRx (FNG was a Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon clan) & my original PR clan account: =]H[= De4dByD4wn. I also have 4 others: Foe*20, w0rdisb0nd, Perp1, & P!TTBo$$.

*Note: The pics have nothin to do with this post, i just thought they were funny.
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