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Damage values?


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I was just wondering if anyone knew whether guns and vehicular weaponry for different factions actually cause different amounts of damage. For example, how many rounds from an AK would it take to shoot down a huey (if you shot it in the exact same spot), and how many rounds from an M4, etc.

I'm guessing that every weapon either has an individual damage value attached to it or weapons are grouped in categories (assault rifles, pistols, light machine guns, sniper rifles, etc.). I know for a fact that some weapons that are in the same category have very specific properties (for example, the AT-4 is VERY different from an RPG), but does the same hold true for things like frag grenades and bullets?

The same goes for vehicles, should HEIT rounds and all other types of rounds from all apc's do the same exact amount of damage and splash? (amount of ammo is different, but the damage?)

I guess another question attached to this is whether vehicles in the same category have the same health value (how many shots does it take to take down a cobra, havok, apache?)

I think weapon accuracies are different, but I'm not too sure. I feel like certain weapons are more accurate/powerful than others, but that may just be my bias toward certain guns.

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im fairly positive that the G3 is much stronger than say an m16, since it's a battle rifle after all. I'm not sure on the exact numbers but the guns should be more or less accurate to their caliber and type. Just from shooting vehicles, it takes less ap rounds to kill one than with heat, especially if the vehicle is more armored. i'm also fair;y certain that the havoc can take more damage than a cobra, and that a huey can take a decent amount compared to others.

i havent played pr lately so im not 100% sure. they are definately differences though.
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Well the rifles are basicly what terremer said an ak is about the same as an m4 and the lmg are about the same (about 3 hits to the chest to down him except pkm which I think is 2 shots) mec G3's and the FAL take about 2 shots. marksman rifles about 2 but one shot seriously damages them snipers are one shot kill but thats just average all the rifles do have different values such as time to deploy deviation and all that stuff.

HE rounds have a large explosion radius but not much penetration against armour so therefore good for infantry AP is armour piercing no explosion radius but very powerful and good for armour.

Helicopter wise all the heavy attack helis have 1000 hit points start bleeding 6 hp every econd once the hit points drop below 600 hueys have 1400 hp blackhawks 1500 and chinooks 1700 the weakest helis being the light attack helis like kiowa, gazelle, wz11 and littlebird with 650 hp each. And the heavy attack cannons have the same damage just different rates of fire.
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Well the rifles are basicly what terremer said an ak is about the same as an m4 and the lmg are about the same


That is not correct!

There are differences but u can't see it.
The PR-Devs obeyed (irl) the calibres of the weapons an created for them projectiles.
The m4's (eotech/aimpoint/ironside or scopeversion) 5.56x45 projectils and AK's 47 7.62x39

---------------------- M4 -----------------------------
ObjectTemplate.projectileTemplate 556_45_r
ObjectTemplate.velocity 884
ObjectTemplate.material 3556
ObjectTemplate.damage 36
ObjectTemplate.minDamage 0.4
ObjectTemplate.DistToStartLoseDamage 400
ObjectTemplate.DistToMinDamage 1000
ObjectTemplate.gravityModifier 0.3

--------------------- AK-47 ------------------------
ObjectTemplate.projectileTemplate 762_39
ObjectTemplate.velocity 715
ObjectTemplate.material 3762
ObjectTemplate.damage 50
ObjectTemplate.minDamage 0.4
ObjectTemplate.DistToStartLoseDamage 200
ObjectTemplate.DistToMinDamage 1000
ObjectTemplate.gravityModifier 0.3

Projectiles losing damage at different ranges.
MATERIALs have characteristics like resistance, minimum damageloss, friction, elasticity and more abilities.
Not to forget, the Damage output of the primary projectiletweak.

If the projectile (material3762 5.56x45) collide with another object (material25 Human_head), both materials gonna compared and caluclated. Some Materials absorbing damage like body armors or else.
I don't know the exact multiplicators but head has an damage multiplier like 3.
It works like that but with MaterialCells. Hard to explain.

U aiming at an enemy, range under 400m with your M4 and pull the trigger.
Ur bullet hit the head with a base damage of 36 (multiplier head 3) = 108 - (head_material absorbing 0.01% =1.8) final 106.2 damage.
An soldier have actually 100 hitpoints. U killed him.
The THING with "not revivable" is triggered by pythoncode.

Other aspects are, that the 5.56x45 flying faster as 7.64x39 and losing damage at a range at 400m (7.62x39 at range 200m)
But AK's better in CQB. More damage and fullautmode. M4 have only semi- or burstmode.

The _r behind the 556_45_r standing for, if the projectile causing richochets.

Vehicles have not only different HITPOINT values ! They have different Materials at different locations too like heli_armor and cockpit_glass_penetrable.
I mentioned it because yesterday on Lashkar deployment : BLUFOR C4'ed our ammocache and a chopper tried to evac the team.
He tried it too close to me. With a smile in my face and a full mag .....ratarattarratttarrrattta.
Than ... the Mumble message ... Chopper going down ... pilot shot .... the secondary pilot switched and did an amazing emergency landing betwen trees in a valley. He went out to heal himself with bandages and started the engine.
We naded him.

Interresting topic, somethings must be researched! !eatmyuzi

And here are small hind : shot in the legs
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I have also notice that, if you shoot at key points of the vehicles you can take them down quick, is always good to keep that in mind when you enter in the battlefield!

Maybe someone can test and confirm this vulnerable spot of the spandrel.
I needed 6 or 7 mag's (semimode) and the TOW starts burning and explode.

I did that with an canadian rifle (C7 or C8 idk) but it can tested with M4's too. Same ammotype (556_45_r).

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Well to destroy enemy's assests i know it takes 2 frags for the aa (both kinds), if you shoot the LAT to the back side of the APC the are down for sure, also de BTR, i think BMP takes 2 in the back to blow up, tank needs HAT and also to the back side, is the weak point of the armour.
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That is the problem with citymaps like muttrah or ramiel and missiles weapons.
Sometimes it's really strange with handheld AT's.
Problem are the deviation settings in the tweaks.

U get the best hit results under following conditions:

Standing still - aim slowly (keeping in mind the mindistance of 10m) and do that 6.75 seconds before u firing on targets.
RPG's need 8.5 seconds to be really ready (i mean, firing without deviation tweak penalties).
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  • 2 weeks later...
BMP and Bradley firing a ATGM. It's an anti tank guided missiles like the TOW missile.

Merkava: this tank can shot an ATGM too. So with what weapon u fired on the tank T.E.D.F ? The AT round or the ATGM?

I believe, 4 LAT missiles can kill a tank, if u hitting the lower back.

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