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Arma 2 ACE Multi-Session Operations thread

=VG= SemlerPDX

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I put up MSO 4.55 on the DayZ Lingor server we can try it out - fallujah and takistan

Server is called MSO ACE/ACRE Testing

Password is "vg"

All ambient stuff turned off including Patrol Ops

No persistant database yet but Nomad save is set for every minute (means mission will be reset if we have to restart the server)


Moved the OT posts to here:
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SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

(plus his highly detailed liver-spotted hands):

Arg you kids GET OFF MY LAWN!!!


Yesterday's initial tests on Quom Province seemed great... server was running a 45fps average with clients around 25-35fps for the most part. Map is awesome - good FPS and lots of rolling hills.

All ambient stuff was turned off
Patrol OPs on
Enemy setup: 33%, Med density, 40 locations
Town intel stuff on

If this works out then I'd like to see these mods in the mission:

Rangers http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14295
Kyo's MH47E Chinook http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18052
Yup's UH60 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16253
Exa's RG31 vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18130
RQ-ll Raven http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16723

Any thoughts on running a vanilla version of this as well for public consumption (ie: no mods at all on Takistan)?
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** Updated to version 03 **

Added MHQ vehicle next to Recruitment HQ (LAV25_HQ for now)
Added COIN construction interface to MHQ (too cheezy??)

Added lift capability for MH47E and HH60A

Added cargo container liftable
Added RG-31 liftable

Added towing tractors !senile

Need to test the lift stuff with the helis, cargo containers, and RG-31s
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Possible changes for next version:

Remove RQ-11 Raven (done)

Keep Paladin but lock it as it does not work properly on Quom

Add rally point system if possible (will this break the st_interact and changing groups? RP system works on slotted SL I think... can't change mid-mission)

Might look at adding @twpcas mod (AI suppression and LOS) at some later time as the server runs very well with MSO. Lowest average FPS I saw this weekend was 28 on Sunday when we had a good 10 or 11 players in the server.

ACE Revive script has been updated on Armaholic... will investigate
We are using v1.98 of ACE revive right now - needs some good testing

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I've made some minor changes to the 05 version on Quom and will upload tonight.

- redid briefing notes
- updated ACE Revive script from v1.98 to v2.0 for testing
- removed the "you have 999 lifes left" messages from revive script

The MH47E Chinook and ACE sling ropes problem is a known issue and will be fixed on the next release of the mod.

Edit: didn't get a chance last night to upload new version.. will do so tonight (Thurs)
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New MSO version coming soon!!

As we discussed today - there even will be another update soon which improves stability and initialisation esp. for persistent databases and furthermore... it will be fully headless client compatible !! And thanks to Glowball and his AIM mod, even food and water will come to MSO in a database-persistent way!

Currently we have 3 clans that test the sh... out of it with GREAT SUCCESS and we are in the final stage of testings already



Same guy that made the RG-31s (MRAP)
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The day will come soon when we have an MSO server running in the full way that it's designers intended. MSO features a persistent database that allows players to continue on, with a persistent world, that will not revert back to empty upon each server restart.

MSO is nearly an MMO with several RPG elements to it, and unlike these MSO Project tests we have been doing, a player will not start at the main base each time with no gear. This is the starting position for a player new to the server - once you have played your first match, the next time you join in your gear will be just as it was, and your position may be recalled so you can continue from where you left off.

People who played DayZ long enough to understand the game will recognize the need to be aware of food/water sources, as these may be portrayed in game in a realistic manner. Not sure what amounts to a "shit load" of food and water, but without even playing this mode yet, I can tell you that it would not be advisable to carry inappropriate amounts of items just because the game mode could consume them. Humans don't really need to eat more than a few times a day, and water is more important than food at times.

I find it funny that people go to play more realistic game modes with more "systems" to use, but do not recognize the many ways to play those game modes - they just load up their personal gear with a set they have used over and over in many different game modes, assuming they need to be some kind of one-man cache and army. Hello - this is ACE calling, and my new friend MSO is here; our names are acronyms and have nothing to do with "Log In, Play Fast, Log Out, Start Over Next Session".

Advanced Combat Environment Multi-Session Operations
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@Wooz To be honest most ARMA players dont play ARMA for its realism (just realised this), atleast only because of that.
If you would why not play VBS2? but yeah, probably a good idea to a different thread.
PS: I hope I dont feel too ''I know everything''-kind because that isnt my intention :) actually dont know much anything about well.. anything?

@Semler, true that but the thing is that familiar gear usually makes you play better as well and be more effective :)
or were you pointing out that people wont even try different sets?
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What do you mean "most ARMA players don't play ARMA for its realism.... If you would why not play VBS2?"
I just don't know where you get some of these nuggets that come out....
Perhaps because no large numbers of gamers have $2,320 to spend on a piece of software? Hell, to set up a full system, a group could end up paying well over $100,000.

ARMA 2 is "THE MOST REALISTIC FPS ON THE PLANET" (written right on the box, by -PCGAMER)
If people aren't playing ARMA for the realism it brings to the genre, then I am not sure what they are playing it for. Certainly not the "fluid controls that never feel boxy or slightly delayed actions" and I'm sure it's not for the flight physics which are far out of reality. That pretty much leaves the mulitude of realistically portrayed gear, items, weapons, and vehicles in a combined ops open-source MMO FPS.

Familiar gear is not going to make anyone play better or worse - in that, you only have one useable item in your hands at any given time, and carrying a bloated backpack filled with gear that was not picked with an MSO op in mind, but one of that "personal standard loadout for all situations" style mindset, is not very adaptive at all. We RTB plenty in MSO, why carry overly redundant gear to such extremes? If it's noon, why have NVG? (the answer I hear too often for such examples is "Because I always carry it.")
Different game modes require a different ways of doing things. That is what I apparently failed to communicate above.

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It has been suggested that LEA loadout manager may be coming soon to the VG MSO server per Poffadder. I think it may help people set up a basic structure of essential gear for different roles they may choose in the Main Lobby menu. On top of that, they should then adapt and change minor items needed depending on the situation, time of day, style of play to be used, and specific objectives. Just the other day, my demo team fell too far behind of the fireteam in an attempted ambush of a convoy. Because of the redundant weight, the plan was a fail. (Sorry, Poff)

A simple solution: ditch all gear to backpack, except a few mags and one primary weapon, and the satchel charge each of the 3 of us had one of.
This would have allowed our team to keep up and not pass out on the swift march to intercept the convoy and place our demolition charges.
I personally had one satchel charge, a primary rifle and 3 mags, and one smoke grenade. I kept up with the rear member of Poff's fireteam, but each time I looked back, my other two members were so far back, even after the order to "lighten up", that it was a fail before it had a chance.

Sure, shit happens, but you and your backpack/gear are not alone in MSO - soon, with training and promo videos, this may become more noticeable. People will rely more on the game and support systems and feel confident to go out into the MSO world with appropriate gear and setups that will maximize both fun and lethality in the field.


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of course part of it is like that but please dont cut off the part where I said ''...atleast only because of that.''! it is a very important part of my comment after all.
and to be honest would you play VBS2 instead of ARMA in a replacing sense, I doubt many would do that,
I've watched clips of it and the realism seems to take over the fun and beat it to death with a folding chair.
I know that I play ARMA because of the level of teamwork that is required to make it fun,
and also just the fact that you can do almost ANYTHING with Arma,
well I dont have to explain this to you but anyways :)

PS. I'm not denying that I like the realism part but for me those 2 have been more important as it has been for multiple of my friends.

as to the gears: you have a good point there, but I doubt its going to change.
BTW now that Im reading behind I can see that you were actually a little bit joking on the matter, sorry for spoiling it :P

hoping you take my points with a grain of salt.

EDIT: about LEA, Ive heard that its been misused a lot of times, for example filling your ammo without doing RTB and such :P any thoughts about that? (just thinking out loud here)
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Ok so I'd like to 'wrap up' any development / tweaks / changes to the VG MSO mission this weekend (so we can stop updating it constantly and actually implement the persistent database stuff). After the kinks are worked out we will update the mission every 3-4 weeks and only if necessary.

If you have any suggestions or have encountered some issues, please post them here so we are aware of them and can add them to the 'todo' list.

Big #1:

Fix respawn when MHQ is deployed and player signs in at MHQ

Currently this is broken and the player respawns at the main FOB. This is because the revive script requires a named marker to work properly and display a respawn button, and when the MHQ is deployed it assigns a name like "mkr + (random time +1)" - so the marker name is different each time it is deployed.

Need to either pull the MHQ marker name from an array and use that or more likely have another marker that updates to the deployed MHQ position every few seconds. Also need to take into account JIP.

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