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Arma 2 ACE Multi-Session Operations thread

=VG= SemlerPDX

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*** password issue fixed ***

MSO server is now running BETA version of ArmaOA and is setup with the headless client.

It's still a bit quirky and if the HC gets reset crashes I'll have to manually log in and start it up again. In fact if the HC crashes it will probably fuck up the server as well since all (most of) the AI run on the HC.

Enemy params are cranked up so be careful :)

I'm just using a stock MSO mission on Takistan for testing.

** Do not run STHUD for the moment it screws up ACE interaction **

Six Updater repo link:

@CBA_CO; @ACE; @ACEX; @JayArma2Lib; @ACRE; @ACEX_USNavy; @ACEX_RU

IP is port 2322

password = vg

If you are manually starting Arma be sure to run the BETA as well as @CBA_CO only (don't need the other 3 with beta)

Also the HC is using my name somehow haven't found out how to fix that.. so if you see another SavageCDN on the server don't panic

PLEASE make sure you are running the latest BETA version for Combined Operations and you are loading the proper CBA addons. Failing to do so will cause issues with ACE and other weirdness. In Six-updater all you need to do is add the expansion/beta mod (it's at the bottom of the mod list) - it will put the right CBA mods in as well.
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Been playing with and without beta expansian. It seems that with the beta enabled you'll run into trouble with the ACE mediacal and shacktactical systems/addons. This does not seem the case when beta is disabled.

Sometimes it takes quite a while for opfor to spawn. Timed it once and it took nearly 4 seconds.

Other than that, I am really chuffed with the HC. When everything has been smoothed out we'll be in for a real challenge :)
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I'm hoping an ACE update will be out on Friday which will fix that. We have to use the beta version in order for the HC to work (and for the new version of MSO to work!!)

@NV - I did increase the AI numbers last night
- convoy frequency from low to high
- more AI spawn locations
- CQB populator is set at 40% (max is 50%)

I notice a few people are still joining with the wrong version of CBA (you need @CBA_CO with the beta):

B CO 2/113 INF
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Opfor for a change for us or IND

Seeing as we mostly play with max 6 men I'd say INS is good enough enemy immersion-wise.

Event would be nice, unorganized gameplay starts to taste like dirt. (no-one is playing either)
Unfortunately my internet is patchy so I cannot make one (might not be able to join)

Making MSO sessions weekly would be awesome, Friday 2000 GMT?
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I think we are good enough without thermals, after all we are russians, not Navy seals or delta force :)

Would be awesome to play as RUS MOT INF.

2 BTRs full of soldiers patrolling through a few towns, IED explodes, dust and smoke everywhere, Infantry dismounts, HMG fire from left side, people take cover on the right side of the BTRs, situation seems grim, Sun rises from the east, ingo comes up with 2 AKs moving down countless enemies while we are trying to regroup.

right? I miss playing with us all in :/
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play withSIX VG MSO Tutorial
just a quick write down...
any additions? post it! ;)

Start play withSIX

  • Select GAME menu (1)
    Arma II Combined Ops!
    Select ACR (2)

(if you don?t have ACR you need to use the acrlite mod!)

  • Select MOD menu (1)


  • Search for Mods (1)
    Select Mod (2)
    Add selected (3)

You will need these Mods:
  • @ACE;

Recommended but not needed:
  • @Blastcore_visuals


A new preset ?Custom set? were created (*)
  • Should look like this (1)
    Install (or update) them (2)

(Accept any Popups ;) )

  • Select SERVER menu (1)
    Filter for veterans-gaming server (2)

(you will only see server that allows your mods!)

  • Select the ACE MSO Server (1)
    Join the Game (2)


If the server password changes you have to edit your server settings
  • Goto server info (1)
    Enter the new password (2)

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Not sure below points are related to HC, MSO or ACE. But mentioning them nonetheless :)

1. On several occasions we noticed that missions became repetitive. It became either the 'high value target' or the 'AAA outpost' mission.
2. Missions clear really quickly because they not enough opfor has spawned. Sometimes you just need to enter the AO top complete the mission (no opfor spawned)
3. Opfor spawn is still delayed
4. HC is sometimes in a 'Blue' slot.
5. Patrols seem to switch off after the server has been running for a while (12+ hours).
6. AI pathfinding seems to be off. Patrols want to cross mountain ridges whilst the road is 20 meter further up.

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Reset the server today and adjusted the Patrol Ops missions.

When you say Opfor spawn is 'delayed' what do you mean exactly?

HC should always be in the civilian slot but I've seen sometimes it joins blufor... I think it's just buggy. When the HC is in a blufor slot do the enemy AI still spawn, etc?

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