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Insurgency server Admin

=VG= Murderface0151

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hey guys, just a question for the guys in charge haha.

was wondering if i could get Admin rights for the Insurgency server, as a few times now I've been on and been in need of an Admin, just thought it would be easier if i got the rights to do it myself :) seeing as i'm a trusted member n all haha.

but yeah it would be greatly appreciated as i would be able to help out a lot more when people aren't around.

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Admining the Arma Insurgency server is different than others, not a mere "login" and go.

I haven't heard of any problems, except for once - and I was on TS3 at the time.
From the time I recieved the message to the time I banned the player, was less than 60 seconds.

If you have a problem, grab me. If you have continued problems, I'd love a report of the players involved. Write down names, screen capture names, or better yet - open your chat and type:
#beclient players

Then, you press Page Up or Page Down to find the Player's name and GUID (used for Arma banning) - report it here, and it will be handled.

Kind of in a transition and evaluation with the Arma servers at the moment, so just wait for a bit...
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I can give you guys the login for restarting, and all, you simply won't be able to ban anyone as it works different.

Do not restart the map "just because" and always warn the players in the server that it is happening. For some problems, a hard restart is required - you will still need to request that.
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Poke me when we're both on and I'll show you best practices for admin and restarting maps. The most important thing to remember is to LOG OUT once you are done resetting map, etc. If you don't then it's possible for a hacker to get access to the admin.
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