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M32 MGL and M252 Mortar: Multiple-Round Simultaneous Impact Video

=VG= SemlerPDX

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Here is a demonstration of MRSI, Multiple-Round Simultaneous Impact using the M32 40mm Multiple Grenade Launcher and the M252 81mm Mortar in ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead.

For the M252 Artillery Computer view, I layered both displays to show the rounds heading to the target in concert. We strike 4 square blocks of Shamali from over a mile away.

The final view from the Forward Observer is truly devastating. All rounds should hit within half a second of each other giving the enemy absolutely no time to react.

This requires patience, cooperation, and teamwork.
Luckily, here at VG, we have loads of great team players.

I can't wait to use this tactic on the battlefield!
Music is from the game. Actors include =VG= Outlanders, =VG= SavageCDN, and =VG= SemlerPDX. !hi
Thanks for watching!
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Thanks for the praise, guys!
Yea, my first hangup with the MGL was, it was reloading after every shot....gotta drop all 203 nade rounds you start with and only pack the 6-pack MGL "mags".

And it was totally lame to watch 'till I added AmrA II menu music and synced up the "breakdown" and "buildup" to the Arty Computer scene.

Again, thanks Outlanders and SavageCDN for your time. I know, and you must now as well, that being an actor means doing the shot over and over and over.

Luckily, we scraped by with around 5 takes in each area. Then we played around and shot tons of weapons and blew off steam. By which I mean blew Savage 74 meters East with a nice satchel.

"Oh...hold on, I'll get out of the way," Savage
"No no...Stay there! I wanna see how far you fly!" Semler
"LOL! Ok....lemme get over to the....." Savage
"FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" Outlanders

XD hilarity ensues

For those other Vegas-ites, here's a pic of the project in all it's organized detail:

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No, PITN, I did all the shooting. For shots like this, and the shot in Fastrope Training, I get multiple angles from stock or staged footage in the exact same area to fill in.

For this, we did about 2-5 "takes" from each angle...the pit, the salute, the FO, and I did both Arty PC's myself later and overlayed them over each other for effect.

Then I cut the crap out of everything and piece the best ones together, audio is a separate track, so I could make it look like Outlanders voice was coming out of your characters actions if I wanted..

Outlanders looks like the First Person star of Fastrope, he wasn't. I made it look that way on purpose. (gonna make you a star, Outlanders ;P )
Those were my eyes. And he didn't say "good job, gentlemen" as we went up the hill, that was from later in that op when we demo'd the cache. Cut Cut Cut!!! !mental

(UngamerEye is my channel)
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