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COOP Server in Asia


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It there an extra lisence for BF2/PR available?
I am seriously considering setting up a COOP server here in Australia and would like to tag it as a VG server.
I would be willing to commit to the financial obligations associated with the server but would need VG experience of VG members to make it happen.
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No offense yoda, but I don't approve of this. We can't even populate our own server these days, now we're going to have two? Please don't use any VG branding on any server you purchase it's just going to rob us of even fewer players until we get unfucked.
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Wouldn't do a thing without the approval of VG as a whole.
Simply exploring options which would allow those in the southern hemisphere to play PR with a ping that's playable.
It was never my intension to steel your thunder or de-populate VG servers. I believe the 400+ ping is having that effect all on its own.
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It has lost a lot of guys in our Aussie game time slot, i must admit.

I have a question though, and i am not being rude in any way. Is it possible to change the server to a more midway ground for all. Say Texas, or somewhere a bit more central to all. The necessary donations should not be hard to raise.

Just a thought.

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