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Star Trek Online


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Alright sports fans have been playing Star Trek Online lately and its a fun game. Styx*MC* is going to create a fleet for us to be able to give fleet members items. Its a fun game so far and I like that so far I have not run into any cheater. That's a big plus for me as Battlefield Bad Company 2 has gotten old because of all the cheaters on it. So if anyone wants to play its a free download and once the fleet is up we can get you in it and give you stuff to help you.

Peace out
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I was watching the videos to see if space is 3D in this Star Trek game. What I mean is, in the past, Star Trek games have had ships stuck on a plane, able to "turn" left and right, but there was no "up" or "down". It looks like they do have a bit of dimension now, but still a turning, shooting, turning thing.

I like all the customization and such. I'm very happy the genre is still trying to make a cool game!
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I like the space battle more then anything. You have alot of room to turn and you can almost go straight up and down. That's the only draw back is that your can't go straight up or down. But that's the only draw back I have noticed that was a I wish they would fix it. Other then that I have been having a hell of alot of fun playing it. Hell I am lvl 37 now and I figure by the end of the week I might be lvl 40 which gives me a better ship and better weapons. As soon as we can have enough people online at one time we will be able to get the fleet going.
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Not been posting much lately due to a busy life of trying to put it back together but Star Trek is a fun game and worth the time. No cheating that I have seen but then again it is not a fight others type game. You can challenge people but in the long run it is more of a mission based game. Great part is that you can have friends help with missions. Bad part is if you match levels with squad leader and he is a lvl 40 and you get squished like a bug over and over. Not that it has ever happened.......Cough.
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Ya but on the flip side of the coin that now lvl 45 guy matches squad leaders lvl must marched in and can destroy just about everything with one salvo, Its kinda funny. The game does move fast thou. Just do patrols and missions and you can make lvls very quickly and get new and better ships and weapons.
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