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Am I dead? Where is insurgency ace? Where is AC-130 scream? wat is dis men!

=VG= .Blizzard.

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Hello gents! :preved:

As some of you know I`ve been away, working. I would like to inform you that I am still working on ACE Insurgency which will now include Regular ACE with some stuff changed and tweaks for bots. Also some new mods ( arround 25 GB hopefully in total) 


Will we finally have regular ace?

Yes, it will be regular ace but some settings changed (mostly medical and other stuff that include fatigue and OFC the G forces when flying). 

Will we be able to call in an AC-130?

Welll hopefully yes, I am still working on it. There will be a trial version for the mod itself. Check it here: CLICK ME!

Can we have other stuff that runs 24/7? 

You already have! Antistasi, Vanilla insurgency, Mike Force. Well the Insurgency server can be used to run other mods and gamemodes but only at the players request ( preferably above 10 guys). I will still do dedicated day events, like Halloween, Christmas, New Year, IDK what else, hopefully I will have time to develop all of these. Some might be done.

Can we have Opfor/ Indfor?

Yes Opfor has been fixed and now Indfor is to come. Indfor will not be ANTISTASI! If you want antistasi please join the Antistasi server. I am willing to make a mission for takistan that revolves around talibans/ ISIS/ any kind of faction, but the mission will not be played on the INS- ACE server. 

Will we have restricted gear? 

Welll I was thinking of it, but for now, the answer is still NO for most of the guns!

Will we have a vehicle/unit/weapon shop?

Weapons shop? No! Maybe for some of them in the future. Units? Yes, but it will not be a shop, more like a recruitment thing. Vehicles? Yep shop but only for certain OP stuff. (planes, helicopters, tanks, APCS)

Will the flag positions, aka towns to attack ,be the same as last time?

I don`t know, maybe yes, maybe no. This is open for discussion.

Do you still need help?

Well I always did, but not too many were keen to help me. I would still love to have admins online from time to time. Or at least people to help me script.

How do you see this project? Do you need help from others?

I see it as a challenge, more or less. It is a challenge because I don`t have a lot of time to spare and I need people to work with. I need testers ( to test the map and give feedback), people that know scripting (arma coding) and editors ( guys that go into the editor and change stuff, like units/ how the main base looks, etc...) 

Will we see this happen sooner than next month?

I hope It will be like that, but for now is TBA. Expect a beta next month but there is still a lot to be done before I can release it for public use.



If you have any other questions please post them, I will gladly reply to any ( including the yo- mama jokes).  

Take care gents! :hi:

=VG= .Blizzard. 

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Good stuff Biz!

Will there be a way to save map progress? And a way to wipe progress once everything is taken?


I can help with the editor stuff (Asthetics, anything else etc) and some scripting if needed and or general queries. - Just let me know what you need doing etc and ill be on it if I know how to.

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33 minutes ago, =VG= Sausag3 said:

Good stuff Biz!

Will there be a way to save map progress? And a way to wipe progress once everything is taken?


I can help with the editor stuff (Asthetics, anything else etc) and some scripting if needed and or general queries. - Just let me know what you need doing etc and ill be on it if I know how to.

Hopefully with a bit of help Yes. It will be possible. I just need to get my hands on Antistasi save system and pufff done. Or any othe type that works :P 

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Added settings for recoil, sway and fatigue.  

Made SIDE B version (changed S Airport near Loy Manara to the Airport N).

Added ACE, VCOM AI mods.

Removed No Sway/Stamina mods.

Tweaks for auto garbage deletion.



AC 130 scream when using JTAC menu (need a bit of help :)), it isn`t as easy as it first seemed  ).

Shop for certain weapons.

Vehicle shop for certain vehicles.

An actual good garbage cleanup system.

Headless Client.


... more after testing ... 




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Shop for certain vehicles = DONE!

Unit recruitment = DONE!

Added Shooting Range.

Switched long respawn MRAP to a oshkosh MATV.

Added Project Opfor mod. (Adds proper units for map at only ~ 2 GB)

Tweaks to Vcom AI (bots are too aggressive and OP)



AC 130 scream when using JTAC menu ( apparently can`t do it, messes up the JTAC script). It will be added when interacting with the HALO or spawning the AC130 if the mod will be added.

Shop for certain weapons.

An actual good garbage cleanup system.

Headless Client.



... more after testing ... 

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Shop for certain weapons with money system (shoot enemy to get money/points without the need to search them each time)

Garbage cleanup meh, can be better but 70% done

Added spawn protection from enemy bots (they get deleted if they try to enter the base, vehicles too)

Added Iranian troops as INDFOR



AC 130 scream :( sadly I can`t figure out how I did last time with the radio script :P I`ve deleted the original script.

Headless Client.

Stop Civilians from getting too close to the base.

Add Iraqi units and divide team in 2 teams from different factions (half team = US, rest = Iraqi)

Change enemy units look to new Project OPFOR units. (add clothing and weapons). Also add vehicles from the same mod (afghan looks or maybe Isis looks, still unclear, please post your favorite). 



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Mission will be updated soon! 


Headless Client.


Add Iraqi units and divide Blufor in 2 teams from different factions (half team = US, rest = Iraqi)  -> Dropped

- Fix the f...ing MONEY SYSTEM for Opfor weapons !

- Change enemy units look to new Project OPFOR units. (add clothing and weapons). Also add vehicles from the same mod (afghan looks or maybe Isis looks, still unclear, please post your favorite). 

-  might drop ACE, cuz ITS A B...TCH

- TESSSSSSSSSST the mission with others!

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