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Back in the day...



Sup gamer jizzpool,

   I remember back in the day, if you wanted to have some fun online with VG members, we could all be found in PR at some point during the day. As I play more frequently these days, I miss the times with all my old VG bros! It's all new guys now and although I'm still having a good time, I miss not having any of my fellow VG mates to play with (except the regulars). I know times change and we all like our different games these days, but as I view different games to buy, there really aren't any current games out there that appeal to me. I think there are a few games out there that we all might be able to rally behind, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Is there a game, or anything else that we can do to bring back more frequent mass clan gaming time? I need some bromancing fuckers this shit getting serious! I'm talking about games where we can all join and play together in. There aren't many, so I was wondering.....what do you think? Non clan members can't post their thoughts or ideas as well please. tyvm! 

Carry on.



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I agree with Brake, more frequent OPFOR events would be fun and a new Campaign/Scenario like the one we had last year. About old school stuff, I had a lot fun playing Call of Duty United Offensive and there are still decent amout of players playing it considering it to be the first cod ever. 

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I will be honest Blud I got bored of PR,  Lots of crashing issues or joining on the same map every time I lunched the game.  Also a lot of smart ass players that where regulars that I didn't really want to have anything to do with.  I will give it a reinstall this week because I do miss the teamwork.


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How about ARMA3/2? These games are prob. the most fitting for larger clan wide sessions. We have the resources and awesome members with the necessary knowledge. We can start with PatrolOps-like missions to strengthen the cohesion/level the skill-gaps and then jump into some real tactical missions.  Also a weekly non-binding meeting would be awesome to discuss random topics or just have a good banter. I always hear about VG's past Arma/Pr sessions and stuff but never saw them in action... 

@OniBlood: If you want quality teamwork it really depends on the time/-zone. At euro-prime (07:00PM UTC+1) on monday to thursday you will find the regulars in the Coop server. If you want to do some sweet Deployment, hit me up! Me, TEDF and Sydney (haha 5:1) are the most active Deployment players AND we are looking for a forth guy because two man vehicles are a thing and that one guy who gets left over has to do recon....... (:crigon_03:). After playing with people who share the same mindset I rarely see myself going blind with random players. Always good to have people you can rely on! Reduces the grey-hairs...

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 I miss the times with all my old VG bros! It's all new guys now and although I'm still having a good time, I miss not having any of my fellow VG mates to play with


Also a lot of smart ass players that where regulars that I didn't really want to have anything to do with.

You saying loud what i've thinking since months.

I miss the time, where we all played together. When i look back and look how its now ... in the past, i called for supplies and got supplies, i called for evac and got an evac, i requested support and got support, i called for CAS and got CAS support.

Today ... :Alvarin_07:


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2 hours ago, =VG= BLuDKLoT said:

Oni we should make an A2 server and rehost your old school Domination I still have it. 

I am down Blud!


2 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

You saying loud what i've thinking since months.

I miss the time, where we all played together. When i look back and look how its now ... in the past, i called for supplies and got supplies, i called for evac and got an evac, i requested support and got support, i called for CAS and got CAS support.

Today ... :Alvarin_07:


I am quick to ban people like that too,  My anger issues sometimes get the better of me when dealing with Kinder.

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I feel like PR gets worse after each update and it gets more stupid everytime they want do "add realism" which usually ends in situations that you can´t hit an enemy 5m in front of you because you run one floor upstairs.

I´d think we should do events to get more members together but use Arma3 for that, the gameplay is a lot better, the graphics are better, almost everyone owns it, we can upload videos of arma 3 to youtube which is more useful( advertising) than a 16?year old game. Also the game performance is a lot better with arma 3, we could probably an awesome coop mission running if we ask ciro and Pitn nicely

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More ArmA events would be nice but i prefer ArmA2 ACE ACRE with some community made missions like we did years ago (looking direction Savage, ciro, Semler) but as i said that MY personal meaning.

Idk if Ace exist for ArmA 3 and i am currently to lazy to check the internet after more than 11 hours of work and 2 1/2 roadtrip but i think yes.

I dont own ArmA3 and i dont know if i will buy it (when its really cheap than yes but currently...)

ArmA has nice graphics etc. but there are also many things that make it to me as an 2nd choice game.

- Animation transitions are the worst for an Shooter Game. Jumping on a ladder in PR is definitely better as climbing up a ladder in ArmA.

- I am sure, there exist more hacks/cheatscripts in the world for the younger ArmA engine as for Refractor2. I'm absolutely sure. I got more times killed through fucking hacks in DayZ (please dont tell me its the MOD fault, its the Game Engine) as i got shoot.

For me, i must like also the game engine and not only the graphics or gameplay.

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Got squad. cool mechanics. Basically an up to date PR. Runs like cement. It just is horrific optimisation. Granted it's still being produced but if it's gonna end up like arma 3, your going to need a super computer to get it to run.

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I am looking forward to that game "Squad" -- it's being developed by PR Dev's AFAIK it's not finished yet.  Might be a great team game.  Also that Insurgency seems nice as well.

Believe me Semler, its a good game but wait with buying it. atm. PR would give you more fun and gameplay as SQUAD.

Play a round PR skirmish on a big map and you have the same feeling. 

About performance : Unreal engine doesn't run fine with AMD's


@Semler & Insurgency: I have one Insurgency game on stock (STEAM).

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Worst thing that happen to me in SQUAD - Kohat.

First time played as Squadleader Taliban team. Before the round start i talked with the squaddies about my tactic.

My tactic was, spawning on the first spawned ammocache and build up defense parameters.

The round started and the team was waiting that the ammocaches spawns.

And than the DRAMA begun :

Both ammocaches spawned in the same village compound, very very close to BLUFOR main's.

This compound was in a valley, surrounded by hills. We spawned and i saw in what a shitty position both caches spawned.

 We ran to the highest hill and as we started to build the  the fob (we all spawned 45 seconds before) and received already heavy fire.


Kohat 2 caches same compound close to Blufor Base.png

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Well all I'm saying is. Last time I tried to run it, was dreadful, talking 5-10 fps. and I manage to milk 30 out of  Arma 3, so if its that bad. Its not going to be playable for a lot of people. Thats the only real downside.

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Maybe War Thunder Scripted events maybe :)? Start Bombers vs Ground AA and a few fighters, the Strat bombers need to kill all the vehicles on the groud by mass bombing? And I suggest =VG= runs a Insurgency Server that shoud be ready to deploy thanks to my server files..

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On 7/6/2016 at 11:32 AM, =VG= Fastjack said:

You saying loud what i've thinking since months.

I miss the time, where we all played together. When i look back and look how its now ... in the past, i called for supplies and got supplies, i called for evac and got an evac, i requested support and got support, i called for CAS and got CAS support.

Today ... :Alvarin_07:



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Insurgency has good coop potential, but could use more open and larger maps (although not easy on the engine).

Day of Infamy is alright, same thing, maps are too small, engagements take 15-20 minutes max.

Arma 3 Escape the Island can be fun, if your team mates don't run around like headless chicken. (This has to do in parts with the map missing player locations -> can be easily fixed with a custom script.)

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a meatgrinder and has no proper bot support, but could probably be modded by a few people who know UE3/UDK well.

Fog of War could some day become good, but is still in early access.

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Island War / This is War modification can be quite fun. No dedicated server support though. And i think a hard coded maximum of 4 coop players. Versus mode has 8, iirc, so maybe it can be circumvented somehow.

Then there is Insurgency: Sandstorm on the horizon, but it's going to take a while still. I think i read somewhere closed beta is going to start at the end of the year / december 2017.

And, of course there's the old stuff:

Rainbow Six / Rogue Spear / Raven Shield, Delta Force 1/2, Ghost Recon, Swat 3/4, Joint Ops, Hidden and Dangerous 1/2.

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