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  1. Are you guys renting a server on location or renting VPS? if you build your own and ship it for hosting it is usually way cheaper that having a VPS or renting a node?
  2. I downloaded a old version of liberation on lythium... it works... would have to adapt it for us... also had to do some ARMA black magic in order to fix the mods that were legacy... but we could give it a try
  3. For the 6x6 they are cool, but useless since we do not have the range with the. they could be replaced by the SF ATF, for the chinook the CUP one works well just not as pretty.
  4. Here is to post mission concept you would like to play. Currently working and a somewhat dynamic hostage rescue with a few other objectives. Let me know.
  5. I also have one that works with a trigger for vehicles, so you go to it and load ammo and stuff in a vehicle so you don't have to load everything by hand.
  6. Well the F3 frameworks works really well, if you want i have it working on my server if need be, if need me send me a message or hook me up i worked with F* framwork since arma 2
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