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Posts posted by TEDF

  1. 3 hours ago, Spartanish said:

    Totally against this particular decision. In my eyes Kashan ALT should stay as it was. Perfect layout for 1-6 players and we have both STD and LRG for rounds with bigger amount of players. 

    Apart from that, I am looking forward to all those changes.

    We played around on it with 20ish people and I didn't notice any changes, apart from instead of having 10 vehicles camping on the hills, it was only 2. 1 f16, abrams and 3 bradlies is more than enough to counter the first wave of t62s and BMP1s that roll out.

  2. These changes will propably never be added to the official release as the PR standars require for both teams to have same amount / balanced assets. We tried to talk about it years ago and got completely shut down. Best thing we can do is start a petition to have the COOP devs add couple of lines for each vehicle spawn and flag that state the ownership, delay and amount so we could edit them freely as needed.

    EDIT : All the changes are currently up on the test server (PW: 123). I can upload them to dropbox sometime if needed.

  3. Uploaded additional changes to the server. Again all of this is temporary and will be reverted in a few days.

    General : 

    1. Reduced tickets for bluefor on some of the maps

    Muttrah : 

    1. Bots are now more aggressive on their deployment

    2. Slightly increased time it takes to cap docks. Reduced time it takes to capture ECC & WCC but increased time it takes to neutralise them.

    3. Increased TOW HMMWV Respawn time slightly

    4. Increased Cobra respawn time on STD to 10 minutes

    EDIT : Looks good so far


    Khamisiyah : 

    1. Bots now spawn on bunkers & chem factory

    2. ZU guns now respawn after a while

    3. Increased f15 respawn time to 10 minutes

    4. Bots now focus more on defending/spawning on the flags rather than going for the vehicles

    Kashan : 

    1. Bots are now more aggressive on their deployment and should be able to capture both bunkers in reasonable time, provided that human side doesn't rush the hills before village is captured

    2. Bots now get AAs once they capture bunkers

    3. Increased jet respawn times to 10 minutes.

    ALT : 

    1. Removed 1 man tanks and reduced the total number of tanks to 2, with one of them being delayed.

    2. removed one of the f16s

    STD : 

    1. Reduced total number of tanks from 12 to 4. All tanks have increased respawn times. All one man tanks have been removed.

    2. Reduced respawn time on bot aircrafts

    Pavlovsk : 

    1. Bots are now more aggressive on their deployment

    2. Decreased ZU gun respawn times slightly

    ALT : 

    1. Increased time it takes to capture west beach fort so the bots would have a chance to fight over it before the 2 man tank squad captures it.

    2. increased TOW HMMWV respawn time slightly

    STD : 

    1. Increased harrier respawn time to 10 minutes.

    2. Increased time it takes to neutralise West Beach Fort so the bots would have a chance to defend it properly.



    • Upvote 4
  4. So far the spawn time changes that I've tried on the test server have ended up either not working or forcing you to CTD after loading in. The same with the flag ownership changes and swapping 1 man assets with 2 man assets. The caporder change was just an example.

    EDIT : Error from my part. flags seem to work. Not sure why it didn't work earlier, propably some stupid typo somewhere. Disregard those lines on last post.

    Jup everything besides removing the 1 man assets works and I'm a dumbo.  I'll be adding some ticket and respawn changes to the test tomorrow.

  5. Unfortunately range is something that is and always will be an issue when it comes to fighting against bots. Only way I see that could fix it is by decreasing the view distance to insane levels and then reducing the bot engagement range to that level, which could in theory provide quite amazing INF battles, but would render the entire air arsenal useless in the process. 

    The changes on the server are temporary and will be reverted in few days.

    The biggest issue in COOP atm is the amount of assets available on both sides. An issue easily solvable if the COOP community was given free hands to modify the maps based on the playerbase needs, but unfortunately most of those tools have been ripped from us over the course of latest updates. (yes I'm taking the piss on devs. Sue me). If the files weren't blocked by every imaginable "code" or whatever check system, we could easily increase spawn times of assets on human side, force the bots to spawn on the foward flags, change cap orders etc.

    One thing that has been discussed every now and then is to reduce the slots on the server to 30 or so and increase the bot count by the extra slots recieved. Unfortunately in my opinion it would only end up with less inf being on the field and more assets raping against the bots on human side. Again, something that could be fixed, but oh well.

    Like Jersans mentioned, in the end it all comes down to the players and how they choose to play the game. We have had really amazing rounds when the regulars and usual "asset whores" went to do INF and left the heavy assets for newer / noob players (not sure if allowed to used that word in 2018, so sorry if offended anyone), so if we want to improve the teamplay even by slightest I suggest : 

    1. admins running more INF maps during peak hours (I know that some of you already do that, so thumbs up)

    2. On asset maps, favour doing inf and leave the heavy assets to randoms.

    3. Don't kick randoms from your squad just so your usual buddies could join in. If the dudes in your squad are following orders and aren't running around on their own, let them stay and explain things if needed.

    4. Don't lock your INF squad until it's full (7-8 people)

    • Upvote 3
  6. 3 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    Problem with most apc's is that they use the ATGM's and autocannon's at the same RANGE but having different priorities against targets or one weapon overrules the 2nd weaponchoice. You need different Range settings for each weaponsystem to get the bots cycle through all weaponsystems.

    Already did that. Made it so that they fire ATGMs at certain minimum and maximum range and once that minimum range gets breached they swap over to AP. For INF, the BMPs use HE and if the inf gets too close, then they swap over to HEFRAGs /GL Launchers if available. 


    3 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    I dont get what you mean with AT vehicles. You mean a TOW or Spandrel?

    Wouldn't rockets a little bit more mercyfully and giving the autocannon ai only priority to helicopters xD

    Jup. They still go for the vehicles, but will also shoot at inf if aggrevated. Changed the Jets over to gunrun the inf and choppers as the bomb didn't do as much damage as I thought it would do.


    3 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

    TEDF, all what you listened sounds really nice but how you modify the ai.files in the zips ??? Serverside Modding???

    Jup. You can modify the values on server files as much as you want as long as you don't add anything to it. Basically works the same way as the server.zip files in map folders, you can edit the values, but can't add additional stuff or change ingame "items"

    EDIT : files have been uploaded and server is now running on modified AI settings. Feel free to post any feedback and bugs that you encounter during the rounds.


    • Upvote 5
  7. I'll apply the changes this evening. Doing some last checkups. 

    The BMP3s do fire their ATGMs due to them not having any delay which is the same with some of the sp static at launchers, to answer Double's question. 

    Trying to get the heavy attack helos to fire their atgms properly as well. Looks promising so far, although the gunner fires the rockets like an average COOP player with every 20th or so rocket hitting the target atm.

    • Upvote 4
  8. Hi chaps,

    Just a quick notification to let you guys know that in the next few following days VG COOP server will go through a few temporary AI balance changes to make the rounds a bit more challenging. 

    As always any feedback is welcome during the testing which will take roughly around a week or until people get too salty.

    The changes include : 

    1. Bot controlled autocannon APCs / IFVs now fire at incoming enemy jets. IFVs have increased range for ATGMs and now occasionally use them against heavy armor (BMP3)

    2. LATs now fire at helos that wander too close & have increased range against IFVs and MBTs.

    3. AT Vehicles occasionaly fire at INF, but prioritise on vehicles.

    4. Jets now do gunruns on helos.

    5. Bots now use GL launchers from longer range and fire smoke rounds at light vehicles and INF that's beyond their usual engagement range.

    6. BMPs now use HEFRAGs on INF that get too close.


    Any additional changes are to be added here throughout the testing.

    • Upvote 9
  9. I feel that the easiest way to solve this years long claiming "problem" is to follow the same rule every popped deployment server has set : 

    1) APCs that don't require both crew members to use crewman kits (VAB, WZ 50.cal, fuchs etc.) are unclaimable and fall under same rules as jeeps.

    2) Scout vehicles such as batmobile & BRDM2 are unclaimable.

    3) Mech inf squad has access to ONE apc/ifv once the squad has more than 4-6 members.

    If APC squad was created before mech inf, Apc squad claims all the apcs/ifvs, but must reserve one of the vehicles and its respawn to mech inf (chosen by apc squad lead).

    If mech inf was created before APC squad, then mech inf can claim ONE of the apcs/ifvs and its respawns.(chosen be mech inf squad lead)

    If mech inf gets created mid-round and has enough members,  the APC squad lead must designate a vehicle that goes for mech inf once it respawns.

    I personally feel that mech inf should only be allowed to claim 2 man vehicles due to the 8 player squad limit, but I'd like to hear other's opinions on this.

    • Upvote 6
  10. 36 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    Here is Critism/questions

    If every faction starts with vietnam eara guns what disadvantage does the EU gain with the saying “starts with outdated equipment” This as every faction starts with it. 

    It is logic to disable some guns but if you say G3 is only for Mec then Germany cant obtain marksman or alt officer that use those guns. 

    "Poor early game equipment" = shittier and less amount of vehicles / guns compared to other factions. China for example has quite a powerful apc, compared to the german fuchs that besides tickleing can't do much against enemy vehicles. 

    Rifles in kits can be changed as needed. As germans won't get G3s, they can get other rifles for their marksmen. I don't see a problem with german officer/lat not having the g3 as alt gun.

    36 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    Russia would stick to 1 weapon been the AK and the only possible research would be scope (that is when you finished all the nam guns research). Then what else would the potential inf research be? if it can’t capture enemy weapons.

    Like I mentioned if you lock the tanguska behind extreme research delay a gaskin is all that Russia could research in early stage as a shilka is nearly as powerful as tanguska. 

    There are more than 1 AK variants + other soviet era guns ingame. As I mentioned, most of the specialist kits would have to be unlocked as well, so no need to worry about lack of INF research.

    The research delay goes down as the campaign progresses. The research delay is soley to prevent the heavy tanks / BMP3s rolling out and starting to rape after the first battle and ruin all the purpose of having INF around. All delays are neglected after about 1/3 of the planned campaign time is over. I expect the first tanks to start rolling out about 4-5 weeks into the campaign (3rd - 4th battle) depending on what the CO decides to focus on. The first wave to tanks will have no thermals, less ammo, no HEFRAGS/ATGMs and longer reload times, which can be upgraded in the research tab.

    It's all up to the commander to choose which way he wants to go : does he want to go more fun way and focus mostly on INF and have vehicles as a backup for combined forces or does he want to go all rape way and focus on vehicles and leave INF in the background. If you focus on solely on vehicels then you'll have to keep in mind that if you lose them, then they are gone forever and if you didn't upgrade your inf at all, then you are in a tight spot.

    36 minutes ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    This is what was originally mentioned to me that faction stuff can be combined so a leclerc and chally on the same map

    Assets can and will be combined, soldiers won't. If more than one nation's divisions happen to be on the same sector during the battle, then it's up to Commander to decide which nation will be used during the battle as the main force. Others will act as a backup (Delayed vehicles + additional tickets).


    Campaign Edits : Changed russian action : "for the motherland" - changed to "recieve 75 additional tickets if army runs out during the battle. Can only be used once per battlecycle"

  11. Just to clarify :

    1. factions won't be combined. PR doesn't really allow to have different faction units in one without bugging the hell out & the need to create your own separate faction. It's only possible to do for the bots without the need to disable the one faction rule that doesn't allow you to pick up enemy kits which would just rise a new set of problems. The way research is going to work is that all the nations in faction will start with the very basic equipment (vietnamese era guns, low tier ATs etc.), most of the specialist kits (grenadier, MMG, AT, AA, Engi) disabled, FOBs & assets disabled until researched. As the INF research progresses, the nations in the faction will start recieving higher tier weapons. G3s, as mentioned above, are exclusive to M.E.C. (MEC elite corps) units and they will be unlocked once MEC has done the corresponding research and conquered the specified sectors. The commander will recieve a full briefing on how the nation units will perform during the battles.

    The 2 month long research for french grenadier kit & tanks was a joke. It won't be that long. For those who have played Hearts of Iron, the research will be in similar nature with higher tier stuff having penalties in the beginning that will reduce over time until the right "era" has arrived. 

    2. MEC does have (kind of) and air force, forgot to add the word "proper" to it. They won't get any fancy CAS assets like others, but they do get some of the most shittiest (read fun) planes/helos PR has to offer.

    3. Not all maps are going to have fog as it wouldn't make any sense. Of course, if the commander wishes to add that "milsim stealth" atmosphere before the assault then sure, I can add the fog, but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it that much. My aim is not to make the AI rape everything, but to create a fair challenge for both new and experienced players. 

    The first few cycles will focus on mostly INF based maps and as we progress onwards, bigger maps will come active, depending on how the research goes. Commander will be notified 1-2 cycles ahead when the map of the sector changes.

    On maps where there aren't any runways but jets are chosen for battle, modified area attack will be given to the commander instead which would implement the CAS flying around. If enemy force has their own jets / AA deployed during the battle, the area attack would be either cancelled or delayed further, depending on the amount of assets. CAS helos will most likely be available on all of the maps as placing a small landing pad is not an issue.


    • Upvote 1
  12. 29 minutes ago, Sausag3 said:

    PR + Risk + Hearts of Iron 4 : Millennium Dawn Mod = This Campain

    I'm loving this already and can't wait to join in.

    Just two questions - Does that mean we will have PVP and if so will we have enough players to fill in all the playable factions?

    There most likely wont be any PvP action, if so then only on special missions. As for factions, the AI controlled factions are led by a neutral person, who has no connection with VG nor with PR in general.

    • Upvote 2
  13. 19 minutes ago, 8-bits said:

    Wot, I am so confused... what do you mean by "days", "resources" and stuff... are you still talking about PR?

    Yee, still PR. It's not that difficult actually, it may seem a bit confusing atm as I left most of the HQ stuff out from this post and only posted the main things, but the commander will get a full debiref once selected. 

    Grunts don't need to worry about anything else but kicking bot's butts when the battle takes place. If anyone thinking about going commandah has any questions, feel free to hit me up on TS and I can go into more detail.

    • Upvote 4
  14. Project Reality COOP Campaign 2018


    Veterans - Gaming and MelonHQ are happy to announce the upcoming Project Reality COOP campaign 2018 that will begin on 3rd of February. The fighting will take place between 5 factions with a goal to control the most territories and resources in the world, with each faction having their strenghts and weaknesses. 

    Before we begin, I'd like to address those who get easily triggered : Yes, the campaign map is mostly hand drawn and therefore the real life borders don't apply. Yes, some countries have been combined together into one sector, Yes Australia belongs in the euro family now. Yes there are over a 100 typos in this post.

    The entire campaign will be controlled by the Game master and the High Commander.

    Game Master (TEDF) : Provides the maps and generates automatic battle resolves on non battle active weeks (more info below).

    High Commander : Leader of the human players faction, Chooses a faction and doctrine/policy/action, if available. Commands his units in the battle, moves units around on the campaign map. Appoints a 2IC in case of absence. Chooses research and divides resources as he sees fit. 

    Humans will be playing and can pick only one faction. Others will be controlled by AI!


    High Commander signups are open! To apply for team lead, send me (TEDF) a PM on the forums with the following form : 

    1. Name (duh) :

    2. Preferred faction :

    3. Few encouraging words for your future followers : 

    Signups close on 26th of January


    Information : 

    Full information with the boring little details that are not mentioned here will be provided to the High Commander

    Factions : 

    Eurocorps, MEC, Red Dragons, Russia

    1. Eurocorps : (GB, Netherlands, Germany, France, Australia)

    Poor early game equipment, lacks proper air force and early game armour. 

    Fields low amount of manpower - Divisions have less tickets than other factions and also start with small amount of units.

    Starts with outdated equipment and vehicles.

    HQ Location : 

    a. Germany - Armoured and Mech. Units can move 2 slots instead of one.

    b. UK - Periodically recieve Canadian and australian units.

    c. France - 50% chance that the african union will ignore the bounty and will go after another faction

    d. Netherlands - Free deployable defenses on defensive battles. France and Netherlands are immune to naval invasions.

    2. MEC : (M.E.C. , FSA, Taliban, Hamas)

    Very poor equipment and vehicles. Lacks proper air force. Slow research. Disliked by it's neighbours.

    M.E.C. available only if faction controls turkey, Israel and Iran.

    Has access to large amount of trash units.

    Doctrines : 

    a. insurgency : On defensive battles, recieve randomly placed ammocaches that acts as a foward spawn point that can not be overrun.

    b. Economy : Recieve a huge income bonuses due to oil trade. Makes MEC more prone to be invaded by NORAD.


    3. NORAD : (USA, Canada. (AI Controlled))

    Superior to other factions in terms of equipment and firepower. Fields wide arsenal of air and armoured units.

    Branches : 

    a. USAF + US Army - Is able to paradrop inf and light vehicles into occupied enemy territories. Landed units will always start in the middle of the map and must fight their way through enemy defensive lines. Is also able to drop in heavy units once the territory has been secured.

    b. USMC - Deploys a mighty navy that is able to strike any coastal territory with ease.

    4. Red Dragons : (China, Vietnam, North - Korea)

    Fields large amounts of manpower - each division has more tickets than other factions.

    Policies : 

    a. The Korea question - Assist North Korea in their struggle against south. takes away half of the Chinese forces for 4 weeks, but deploys mighty North Korean fleet after completion that prevents any future naval invasions to originally controlled chinese territories. Also gains access to the mighty North Korean Air Force and turns Korea into China's puppet (resources). Also grants access to one free rocket techie that carries the name of the great leader.

    b. Chinese war machine - Chinese armoured units deploy faster and are cheaper than other's faction units.

    5. Russia

    Controls large amount of land, but is prone to attack from all sides and it can take a while to move your units to other fronts.

     Militia uprisings may cause militia faction units appearing on undefended territories and some of russian units turning over to them.

    Actions : 

    a. Purge the military - Takes 4 weeks to complete and will result in 50% of the divisions being permanently removed from the game. Cancels out any militia activities in russian controlled sectors.

    b. For the Motherland - Recieve 75 additional tickets if the army runs out during the battle. Can be used only once per battlecycle

    Game Mechanics : 

    1. Division system - Each division has certain amount of assets at their disposal. Inf sections control how many tickets an army has during the battle and vehicle sections control how many vehicles will be available. If a vehicle is destroyed during the battle, it is gone forever. If a mech division loses all of their assets, it will be converted into an INF division. lost units may be resupplied in the HQ.

    2. Battle system - Fighting will take place on a weekly basis, with one week being the auto resolve week and second week being the battle one.

    On auto resolve weeks, commanders are free to move their units around and attack enemy territories, but battle result will be decided by the amount of units, their type and terrain. 

    On battle weeks, commanders are free to move their units around and attack enemy territories. The battles will be resolved in a live action where numbers and technology don't count as much as in auto resolve weeks. If there are more than 2 conflict zones, the command may choose up to 2 on which he wishes his team to fight on. Others will be auto resolved.

    3. Research system : Human faction will start with a huge handicap - 0% research, meaning that in order to unlock weapons, scopes, vehicles and deployable assets, Commander has to make a decition on what he wishes to research. Research times vary, depending on the "OP-ness" of it. For example unlocking a scope for assault rifles may take up to 5 days, wheres MBT unlock may take up to 30 days. The research times will be lowered as the campaign progresses.

    4. Resource System : Each territory controlled gives the faction resource points. The normal sectors give out 500p by default and HQ sector gives out 1200p by default. Income can be increased by doing research or by capturing enemy sectors.

    Resources may be used to provide replacements for damaged division or to request new units that can then be combined into new divisions.

    5. Bounty System - The sixth unplayable faction, the ARF will act as a pirate faction and will attack the faction that has the highest bounty on. Each faction is able to place a bounty on a rivaling faction once per week and will get a notification if a bounty has been placed on them (not amount). ARF will aim for undefended sectors and will establish a base there that remains for 3 weeks or until it is destroyed. Once the ARF leaves, the terrotiry will become neutral and needs to be recaptured. Border lines do not apply for them and they may strike everywhere. Engaging them in battle will go under normal battle system rules.


    map (7).jpg



    • Upvote 19
  15. Restarting the server won't help much with the crashes. The crashes are caused by the game coding and somewhat buggy maps, not by the server status (bots walking in the wrong places, using wrong kind of weapons, capping docks on Muttrah, a player doing an "illegal" manouver with the jet, bomb landing in a wrong angle, etc. etc. etc.) 

    Some times you just get lucky and are able to play through 10 rounds without an issue, another can't even finish the first round. It's just how COOP life is.


    • Upvote 3
  16. yay! Double post.

    Anyways, thank you all who joined, hope you had fun. As expected, the AI is useless when it comes to assaulting the flags and had a total brainfart after the APCs went down. Will be avoiding those scenarios in the future.

    If you guys got any ideas for future events, then feel free to send them to me and I'll see if I can implement them. 

    Thanks again.

    • Upvote 5
  17. PASSWORD : "honk"


    The server is up and running. For warmup, we shall do some of the best INF maps PR has to offer. Event starts in about 40 minutes.

    Please, do not touch the rcon (and children, of course)

    If you have any questions or issues with the maps, feel free to poke me, or jump in the tech support channel on TS



    • Upvote 2
  18. countdown.html?year=2017&month=11&date=1

    2 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

    Ted what time we have it is it with or without the daylight savings adjustment topic or nah xD

    We'll continue going with the PRT time, which you can check HERE . For whatever reason, they decided to start using daylight savings after 12 tournaments of not doing it. 

    There's still discussion about wether they should continue using it or not, so if anything changes, I'll let you guys know.




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