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About BernardTheBeast

  • Birthday 05/13/1988

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    Systems Manager

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  1. Hiya. I went by =VG=Beast for a while ages back, playing Project Reality and ARMA II.


    I'm still alive.

  2. Just had a "Kim Jong Un" who later reconnected as "Kim Jong Il". Lifted the chopper off the ground and tried crushing players. Damaged vehicles, killed a few. Was warned, reconnected, tried role-playing as the character which was vaguely amusing but not very entertaining in conjunction with the whole "killing other players" aspect.
  3. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... If they make the effort to register and appeal the ban I would consider lifting it. Sounds groovy, but most likely no need to worry--they didn't say a word the entire time they were on. Cheers though, and thanks for the welcomings back, y'all! Been daaaaaaang busy lately, so though I don't have all the time I'd like to keep up in community affairs. I still got an hour or two here and there to get on some good ol' ARMA 2, to have fun and keep an eye on things though... ...when I'm not secretly playing the ARMA 3 alpha after bedtime. ;)
  4. Well, had a couple of goofballs get on the Insurgency server half an hour ago. There were only two players actually playing aside from myself, so I was lenient on them as they shot each other for fun some distance away. Then they blew up vehicles at base, killed me while I was fixing a tire, and generally acted rampantly wild. Players were: Neo-Spirit Trerb4 L_Adversaire Kicked Neo-Spirit after he deliberately crashed a chopper, and Trerb4 after he lethally put a stop to my tire changing. Asked them nicely before and after to play more responsibly, and they left shortly after. L_Adversaire was more tame than the other two, but was hanging around with his buddies all the same. Just putting this here for information's sake. They've had their warning.
  5. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... [...] I noticed as well no more Launch as Combined Operations but as Beast said I think they have merged them now so only need to run OA??? That's what I read, that's what I did, and for me, that's what works! But wise idea suggesting running each separately first--it might be they need to generate some kind of content file so that Operation Arrowhead knows all what's there. Maybe. I dunno. The exact process I did was run Operation Arrowhead once, close it when I realized ARMA 2 wasn't there, ran it again and set up ARMA 2 through the Expansions menu, restarted the game, and now I've got all the mods I selected through the Expansions menu enabled when the game starts.
  6. Hey ya'. Combined Ops is still there. After the file-format update thing, all that's happened is ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead have been merged, and are set up through Operation Arrowhead. When you start ARMA 2: OA, at the main menu click [Expansions], then enable ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead files and whatever other mods you want to use. That's what I did at least, and from there I've just been using Six Updater to manage all the other stuff that comes along with ARMA modding, and for launching the game. But yeah, once you set the 'Expansions' in Operation Arrowhead, it should run in combined mode automatically because it'll load both contents from ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead.
  7. Salutations Spears!!! Awesome to see yer', and awesome to see you with the tags! Glad you've joined us in title as well as company!
  8. Yeeeeeeeeeah...smoother animation, smoother movement...I'd much prefer those changes over graphic enhancement. ...though I must say that new grass and flora looks sweeeet! Oh, and on topic, I'm looking forward to it. But I've always been a bit of an infantry fellow. Ooo! Know what'd be reeeally groovy? A ghillie suit that uses physics in the engine to have dynamic jute and foliage, swaying in the breeze or when you move! Whoop!
  9. Welcome to the forums brother--groovy to see another decent fellow here. Yeah, voice communication can make or break an assault--and it improves the speed and readiness of coordinated patterns in a way that typing just can't beat. I forward Semler's recommendation--check out the Domination server when you get the opportunity, or better yet, once it's updated. In Insurgency, it's usually best for the squad leader to say outright whether he wants the squad 100% voice enabled or no. Might seem impolite, but it's a team play game, and communication plays a critical part.
  10. That's bullshit. Sounds like one big cowlamity. What a cowtastrophe. Cow could that have happened. What a load of bull. Sounds like those insurgents were on the moooooooooove. Being VG's new resident Beast and undercover minotaur, I figured I should get that out of our systems real quick. Anywho, as for the issue itself, that is very bizarre. But very appealing. I like cows. Were they shooting back? Acting like insurgent AI? Or were they simply cows? Vive La Bovine Revolucion! ...what a strange issue...
  11. NO WAY. SWEET. AMAZING. VERY GROOVY. SCARY. These thoughts--and more!--with single viewing of BAE's Adaptive Camouflage video--no purchase necessary.
  12. Semler LAN_WROTE ... Anything else I missed?? Ghillie suits for wook-- *Cough! Cough!* ...? :)
  13. Semler LAN_WROTE ... -Ghille Suits for Snipers And wookiee suits for Beasts, yeah? Heheheh!
  14. Was on the Insurgency server (for a change! Been on the Domination server mostly but it was empty). Player Luca was on Blue, started piloting the Chinook, attempted inexpertly a landing, and ended up crashing the darned thing into the main base, digitally annihilating most everyone there (about eight players or so). With MY NEW FOUND =VG= MEMBER EMPOWERMENT STATUS, I warned Luca that he had better learn how to fly a chopper before flying one. A few minutes later and he was on the OP FOR team, infiltrating the main base, getting onto a Mark 19, and blowing everything up in sight. I'm happy to say that I expertly commanded my squad to return to base, and took satisfaction in personally shooting Luca as he lay prone hiding in the M*A*S*H tent. I gave him a second warning that being a co-op server he should endeavor to not be in the opposing team, and kicked him. He re-joined a few minutes later, and was on the blue team last I checked. I did not ban him--yeah, shock and surprise, I know--but being so new a member with admin controls I wanted to verify I had that authority, before banning or anything permanent like that. I recognize that what he was doing was wrong, and that according to VG rules, he probably should have been dealt with in more strict a manner. In the meanwhile, you've got his name, his GameTracker page for reference, and I'll take the time to read up on server monitoring stuff before I rejoin the server, so I know how better to handle situations like this.
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