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=VG= Ingo

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Ingo

  1. i think we need a shotgun mod :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE9Y0atVGFE
  2. alright to wrap this up i think the mission maker/hoster should be the one who decides if 3rd person is on or off end of discussion...
  3. umm hold alt and move your mouse.. works for me :D
  4. fhq accessories maybe and i know the m4/m16 and cool and all but the 5.56 round is useless in arma 3 also i have a slightly edited patrol ops mission that i would like on the server :P
  5. i have the same issue every event we have had the fps drops extremely low, like colds mission it was fine until we used the stranded crew and it spawned in extra AI (mods shouldnt impact fps...) just try it load your 40 mods and set a firefight between 50 AI and try it without mods. To conclude my point mission makers should watch out how much AI they have in the field at a time. PS mso only had the problem after 2-3 hours of gameplay and without the headless client
  6. would it be possible to use the AllinArma mod on the server to run arma 2 maps?
  7. overall performance was better but fps steadily dropped and i still ended up with 8 fps like a hour in
  8. if sixupdater is giving you problems with cba_co just download the arma 2 launcher link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241
  9. i will join IF acre gets released before then and we will use it :) otherwise its just going to be a big headache for me ..
  10. i just looked at the ammo crate script i edited it has rangefinders and batteries. nvram if you want it "fixed" so badly why don't you edit it yourself?
  11. savage i think the seize ground mission had some kind of only pilots can fly thing
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