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=VG= Nyther

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= Nyther

  1. Oh great, now I am having the same problem... is not the same map everytime but usually is the second map that I play on each section. I just formated my pc this week and notice that the genius technician installed windows 7 on 32 bits... and I had 64...

    Here is the erro report I got when teh game crashed:


    As you can see there is a lot of information there


  2. 40 minutes ago, =VG= m823us said:

    Those are tactical trees and I had hit every single one of them because the bots won't rpg me,  Especially if they or I don't know where we're going. It also brings good luck.

    Maybe it's a new barricade/camouflage technology the russians are using... either way it's not effective when we can just hug the trees with your trucks and use as cover... 

    What if we put trees IN the truck, like, in the trunk or just strap a tree on the front, maybe we'll become invencible or at least make us look so dumb that they will have pity of us and dont shoot us

  3. One trick that I learned when Windows XP was the best OS is that you can kill the explorer.exe process to remove your entire desktop and save some RAM and if you need it again just create a new task and type "explorer". In case you accidentaly close the task manager you can open it again with CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or the "run" window with WINDOWS+R (the button near CTRL that looks like a flag depending on your keyboard)

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  4. So in my "friend group" we have a specific guy that we all know by his nickname but no one know his real name, his real face (photo) nor how he sounds like... all we know that he is argentinian and we have some kind of "meme" going that he is into drugs because... he's... argentinian... yeah, it's not racist cuz even he aprooves it XD

    So I made this up in some hours in honor to him. "Why are you sharing that?" you ask? I really dont know... I just wanted to... it took effort to make it and it came out really cool so.. why not share it?

    The Druglord.jpg

    The "individual" on the window it's his profile photo... or part of it

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  5. Reporting a player actually do something: It serves as a proof when you report the player to a admin because he can easily find that player through the logs because the player's name will be taged with the report.

    Sadly we dont have admins online 24/7 but try to look for one in the TS server or send a PM to any admin online here on the forum

    Or if you want you can add me and/or other admins on steam (if they also accept it) so you can easily find them, I stay on Steam all day so you will definitely find me there http://steamcommunity.com/id/8_bits/

    Thinking about that VG should maybe make a Steam comunity so we can all comunicate with that.. just maybe

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