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=VG= Speirs

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Speirs

  1. to search 30 icons was exhausting. But it was worth. I am glad that you like it. The icon "wings of luftwaffe" is self-made. i took a picture from an old luftwaffe armpatch and edited that a bit !grin
  2. @Bones - If you have any problems with the resolution in RVS: - Open the console before you join or create a game - Use the command "setres" (set resolution) to save your actual resolution direct into your ini file Example: setres 1920x1080 The same goes for the player name. The name remains when you log in the next time. Example: name =VG=Bones
  3. Iffn LAN_WROTE ... The problem is that Project Reality is the only military game which allows our group to play together and to fight for one objective... Sry Iffn but i think your statement is not entirely correct. Have you ever played SWAT4 or Raven Shield? I know ... is a bit far away to compare a close combat shooter with BF2 or ARMA. So whats the difference? The maps are a smaller, concepted for cqb, (less open areas, more buildings, rooms and stuff) no vehicles are available. At the most time your squad moves in formations with diffrent roles like a pointman or rearguard for example. A prerequisite to be successful is the right choice of tactical aids (c2-charges, flashbangs, gas, stinger grenades, type of ammo and so on). Defusing Bombs, rescue hostages or neutralize specific suspects - all the objectives depending on what kind of mission you gonna play. Anyway ... I recommend RVS and SWAT4 to people who prefer military coop games. Both of them are old (published in the year 2003 and 2005) but you cant find anything comparable on the market!
  4. I'm skeptical. Is PR for Arma2 really necessary? !dntknw Let's look back what happened so far. Battlefield 2 is a pure "run and gun" game. By the PR mod it has more tactical depth, the team play made sense now. Back to topic. Arma2 is good as it is. Those who want realism playing with the ACE & ACRE Mod. Before I can make my judgmental about PR I have to try it out first.
  5. @Semler - i use Photoshop 7 (the old old one, lol), Illustrator CS3 and InDesign CS3 - all cracked Here you can find a free program for photo editing http://www.gimp.org/
  6. tell me the size (pixels), the kind of content you would like to have on it - im gonna create one for ya :)
  7. look at this Ambuman: http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/zombiesurvivalguide/index2.html ...after reading you have no more "fear" !pleasantry
  8. that green-light-monster .. uhm .. looks like a UFO! nice hardware !grin
  9. ... a german kingtiger sounds like that! !skull http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUv4b2h1NNM&feature=related (u can hear the beast at 1:12)
  10. why the game crashes more often than usual?! my lovely coop pr ... damn i wanna have it back!
  11. damn nice! strike at karkand, my favorite bf2 map :)
  12. Nice pictures Fastj@ck - the flight with the V-22 was brilliant!
  13. ... just in case it is not running and you want to buy arma2 on dvd.
  14. the arma 2 "black edition" includes both of them - OA and CO
  15. * You no longer have a crosshair, use numpad / to switch between scopes and ironsights. With aceclippi (Path: \Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@ACE\clippi) you can disable manually crosshair or annoying AI chatter for example. These functions can be set individually for each player profile. IMPORTANT: Don't forget to run ace clippi as ADMIN
  16. i got that error message when i try to join a game ...
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